Day Trip

Day Trip is our band consisting of me on drums, Tia on keys, Morgan on bass, Lucy on vocals and Meg on guitar and backing vocals. We decided on Day Trip after brainstorming ideas for a band name. We came up with others such as SUB-ZERO, October Criminals and The Raptures however we decided on Day Trip as we thought it was the most catchy as it’s short and snappy. I thought of this band name as every time we were not playing during a rehearsal, Meg would play Day Tripper by the Beatles on guitar and I would end up joining in quietly on drums because we both like the song!


After we decided on a name, we started making ourselves a logo. As we were not sure what style we wanted first, we went through many designs from minimalist, fun and a 90s retro style. You will notice that they are all circles; we thought it would be a good idea to make a circular logo as if we ever made social media pages, our logo would fit nicely as a profile picture. These were made on both Canva and Adobe Photoshop. Here are some of the mockup logos we tried first:

We decided on a colour scheme of red and purple as they both compliment each other as well as make a contrasting gradient as they are warm and cold colours. We also felt that a dark background would accentuate the bright colours we are using so it would stand out more. Morgan (our band leader) asked for the lighting for the final performance to be red and purple so it fits with the style we are going for. Finally, after multiple mock-ups, we decided on this as our final logo:

We went for the 80s/90s style logo as we are all fans of that retro sort of vibe. The unclean edges and warped mountain in the background make for a retro aesthetic of an old TV or VHS tape. We also decided that the mountain in the back reminds us of our name as they both show a sense of fun and freedom. WE chose the dark text as it really makes it stand out against the brighter background so people will be able to read it easily.



Our setlist for our live performance at the end of project one is Somebody Told Me, Clocks, Animal, Moving To New York. We chose this specific order as it means we will start and end with two strong songs. These two songs are loud and quite energetic, especially Moving To New York. We put this song last as I feel it is our best song and we want the audience to remember the performance which can be easier done with a big ending song. The two songs in the middle would be considered softer and less lively; perfect songs for the middle of the set. Our 3rd song, Animal, is stronger than Clocks meaning we will have a gradual increase in energy as we get towards the end of our set. Our strategic decisions to put somebody else first meant that Lucy could introduce us whilst we are playing the intro build-up.

Acoustic Ideas