Skills audit

After deciding which are our best and worst skills we were set with another task. For this task we had to explain why we are worse in certain areas and what we can do to improve ourselves. This tasked helped me see my weaknesses and then showed me how I should improve on them to help me through the course.

Find opportunities to enhance and develope transferable skills inside and outside of the curriculum

At the moment it is pretty much impossible to find opportunities for music and performing because of the virus. However even if it was off I have never done anything outside of college or school apart from music lessons. So I don’t know where to look or who to ask for anything outside of the curricula. But to expand my knowledge on this I could ask some musicians that I know have performed and ask for help, this could be one of my tutors or my piano teacher.

Composing within different styles

I find this hard because I find it difficult to put my finger on what defines each genre. I know the sound of each genre, but not what defines it to what it is. As there is some genres that sound similar and I wouldn’t know how to compose in both of then without the get res sounding identical. To improve this I could do critical listening on each genre, this would give me a better understanding and more advanced knowledge of each genre.