On Tuesday the 23rd of November we each created a mind map of different skills we have picked up on during our time on this college course. When designing my map I decided to split the mind map into both skills specific to music as well as transferable skills which can be used any where in life. The task of creating this mind map required us to reflect back on every project that we had done since the beginning of our college experience, some skills I had mentioned on the mind map that I have enquired include; learning how to compose music for a string quartet and writing musical notation. These skills have been mostly put into use in project two of last year which was our “composing and arranging project” which required us to compose a track for a short piece of film on sibelius which a musical notation software. However these are just two of the many skills I have learned from this course, the rest can me found below on the mind map. This mind map was put to together on the digital website miro.com, this website helped us all create a neat and nice looking mind map for us to all to write our skills on.

Source List
Miro. n.d. Miro Homepage. [online] Available at: <https://miro.com/> [Accessed 16 December 2021].