Song- A song is a piece of music that was written to be sung, there are many songs that don’t have vocals. But have a song structure which mainly includes verse, chorus and a bridge. And another instrument replaces the voice and plays the melody. Here are some very famous song examples; Life on mars (David Bowie), American Pie (Don Mclean) and Bohemian Rhapsody (Queen).

Song writer- The song writer is the person who overall wrote the song, when we designate a song writer we are usually talking about the person who came up with the chords and lyrics. Some famous Song writers you may have heard of are; Bruce Springsteen, Prince and Marvin Gaye.
Producer- A producer is the person responsible for giving the song writer the desired sound for the final track. They do this through audio editing and mixing using software or studio hardware. Producers are very important to a song final development. Some famous producers you may know are; Dr. Dre, Kanye West and Snoop Dog.

Singer- A singer is a person that delivers vocals to a songs track, these can be either lead or backing vocals. Lead singers are very well known a few of them you may know are; Ed Sheeran, Taylor Swift, The Weeknd and Lewis Capaldi.
Lyricist- Lyricists are the people that specialise in writing the lyrics for the song. The lyricist can be hired or be assigned if working a group or band. Many solo artists are also the lyricists of their own songs which is very often the case. Some famous lyricists you may know are; Bob Dylan, Stevie Wonder and Leonard Cohen.