In the modern world it is very important to have a professional CV prepared in order to aid you in acquiring job positions. The purpose of a CV is to write down all the skills and experience you have acquired over the years for your employer to view, if done well this will hopefully allow them to see your potential and therefore secure your job position. Below this text is a CV I put together last year in hopes to get a job in the bars and catering department at the Alhambra Theatre. On this CV I have mentioned all of the skills and qualities I have obtained over the years, this is to allow employers what skills I can offer them when working for their business. I have talked about many skills that look very good in a working environment such as having a clean and tidy nature, employers like this in bars and catering as it makes a clean working environment which looks very good from the perspective of the customers which will make them want to revisit the theatre. On top of that it also makes a more pleasurable and fun shift as you don’t have to navigate through mess and clutter due to your organisation skills. Therefore employers love skills like this as it generally makes the business look very good and easier to work in, this is just one of the many skills I have mentioned on this CV which employers love which will therefore make it more likely for me to get the job position I am applying for.
On this application I also put down my contact details such as my phone number and email address to make it easy for the employer send me any further details surrounding the job. It is very important to have your contact details on a CV, otherwise the employer will not be able to get a hang of you therefore resulting in you not getting the job. On the CV I also added all the GCSE qualifications on, some jobs will require specific qualifications in order to obtain them. This is why I added these onto my CV, this will be useful when applying for specialist jobs in the future, this CV was created last year therefore it has not yet got my L3 music performance and production diploma on it yet. However I will update this CV as soon as I can to make sure that all my qualifications are present on the CV for future employers to view.

This is an updated version of my CV which has seen 2 additions, one being the L3 music performance and production diploma I earned in 2021. This shows people that I have musical knowledge and experience which will be useful when trying to apply for jobs within the music industry, which is why it is very important to add my music qualifications onto the CV. One other addition I made to this CV was adding more of my work experience details onto it, as I was successful with my job application in September 2021 I was able to begin working at the Alhambra Theatre. Therefore I have added all the work experience and skills I have gained from this job onto my CV along with how long I have worked there. This shows future employers the skills I have gained from past work and my ability to sustain a job position in a real life work environment. These 2 changes are very small, however this CV will expand and get larger throughout the years as I gain more experience as a musician and employee.