Stage communication is very important when performing live as it adds personality to the mix of the performance as well as action, it is apart of the physical and visual part of a musicians performance. Stage communications is when the the musicians interact with each other and the audience, this can range from a simple head nod or going frontal stage to get closer to the audience. Without stage communication the performer will find them selves standing still on stage with their head down, staring at their instrument or micro- phone. To avoid bad stage communication you must be very confident with your instrument when performing so you don’t have to always have to stare at the notes they will be playing, or the singer get nervous about the difficult notes. You must also be confident with your band members as well as performing in front of a live audience.

Stage presentation is the way of which the stage is organized, which includes the positions of musicians on the stage which includes their instruments and the lighting and more. If the stage presentation is organised badly it van be a huge eyesore for the performers and audience, for example you always see the drum kits at the back of the stage because the drums are huge compared to the other instruments and having them at the front would obstruct the audiences line of sight on the other performers. However stage presentation also includes the organization of wires on stage, which can be a possible health and safety risk. So it is very important the wires are out of the way of the performers or taped down to prevent them from tripping over them. Usually in live performance the singer is at the front of the band, the guitarists including bass are to the left and right of the singer. If there is a keyboard it is usually either in the middle of the guitarists or at the left or right of the stage. But the drummer is always at the back sue to the amount of space it takes up.

Their are many venues you will play in if you are pursuing music as a professional career, but the two major ones that you may wish to play in are Arenas and Stadiums. The difference the two may be unknown to some, but a stadium is has a field or stage that is surrounded by an audience. These have a very big capacity as they are usually hosting sports events or concerts which are usually outdoor. And arena however most often has a roof and a smaller capacity for audience members, the shape of an arena tends to be most often horse shoe or oval shaped. So stadiums tend to be bigger venues than arenas and are outdoor more often. The venue must be chosen carefully because if you are hosting a charity event with 20 big artists performing you will be needing to book a big stadium so that many audience members can purchase a ticket and watch it. But if one or two artists are performing you might just want to book a stadium for them as a bigger capacity will not be needed as less people will be interested.

Musical competency is the number one most important aspect to a live performance as it is the ability for a singer to keep in tune and for the band as a whole to keep the time and keep the beat. It also includes the band as a wholes ability to perform with confidence and to enjoy the music when doing it. Without musical competency everyone including the band itself with have a really hard time enjoying the performance. To avoid the severe lack of musical competence you must practice a lot to be fluent with your instrument and to be confident performing with your band or in front of an audience. Every single successful artist you know must be full of musical competence because without it they wouldn’t get far in the music industry because every single person would find them boring performers.
Definition of musical competency-
difference between arena and stadium-