To present my music I would like to post it on SoundCloud and Youtube as a standalone track, this will allow people who aren’t interested in playing the game listen to my music. however audio on it own does not fit the format of these websites, therefore I will produce my own artwork to accompany my music fit the form of these music platforms. On this page I will research different video game/video game music art work that inspires my own ideas for artwork. I will be researching art work from games that fit a similar fantasy setting to the game I am composing for, as the artwork must fit the visual and musical style of the soundtrack and video game.
Skyrim Artwork

This is artwork was released as concept for Skyrim (2011), for a dungeon within the game. I like this artwork because it shows a clear contrast between the darkness within the cave and the light shining by the entrance. The torches attached to the pillars within the cave cast a dim light, this creates a scary tone within the image as there is not much light present in the cave. The contrast between light and dark puts a large amount of emphasis in the dark cave, furthermore making the music darkness in the cave appear even more scary.
Elden Ring Artwork

This is concept artwork released along with the video game Elden Ring (2022), the art shows a character looking into down into a crystallised cave. This image focuses more on creating a mysterious tone within the music, it does this by not showing the bottom of the cave the character is looking down. This provokes thoughts as to what is at the bottom of the cave, the unknown also furthermore provokes thoughts of danger and horror due to our own natural instincts. The character is holding a torch within the image, this puts emphasise on the darkness of the cave by stating through the image that a torch is needed to explore due to its darkness. The crystals seen in the artwork have a glowing purple colour, this is a popular colour in the fantasy genre. Furthermore the crystals give the image a magical and fantasy tone, suggesting that the artwork is drawn in a fantasy setting. Personally I like this artwork due to it’s mysterious and scary tone, due to the character looking down into the long and unending crystal cave.
RuneScape 3 Artwork

This artwork was originated from a fire dungeon level on RuneScape 3, this art focuses more on creating an evil and dangerous tone within the image. This dangerous tone is captured through the use of the colour red which symbolises fire within the context of this image, the image also shows burning wood and ashes in the air. The environment around the fire is filed with ancient and magical structures that have dark metallic textures, this creates a very rough and aggressive tone within the image. I like this image because of the clear focus on aggression, for my combat music artwork I would like to have artwork with a similar setting to this due to its aggressive tone. I also like the cartoon like artwork style on this artwork, this is because it does not look too realistic furthermore matching the RuneScapes animated style. This artwork style suits how I would like my artwork to be drawn, due to i’s cartoon like art style which matches ‘Wwise Adventure Games’ polygraphic style.
Public Artwork

This is artwork created Mathew Weathers and inspired by video game dungeons, such as the dungeons present in the Elder Scrolls franchise. This image has a hopeful theme due to the image highlighting the light at the end of the cave. However the perspective the art is drawn from also highlights the darkness of the cave and its ancient architecture, which creates a spooky tone within the image. However the main focus of this art is the hope the character has of exiting the tunnel. I really like the sketched artwork style of this image and would love my artwork to be in a similar style, I also like the theme of the character looking into the cave with a torch. My favourite part about this artwork is the general art style along with how the person has been drawn looking through the tunnel with the torch. The art style of this image is my favourite out of the 4 other pieces of artwork I have analysed on this page, therefore in my artwork I would like it to be drawn in this style. However in terms of imagery, my favourite image was the Elden Ring art. This is due to it’s mysterious, magical and scary tone caused by the character looking down the dark and mysterious crystallised cave. Furthermore in my artwork I would like it to have a similar theme of looking down into the dark and scary cave from a third person perspective of the character within the artwork.
Source List
Ploygon, 2022. Crystal cave. [image] Available at: <> [Accessed 26 May 2022].
Puggioni, P., 2012. The Chaos Tunnels. [image] Available at: <> [Accessed 26 May 2022].
Weathers, M., 2021. Dungeon Corridor. [image] Available at: <> [Accessed 26 May 2022].
VGA, n.d. Dungeon. [image] Available at: <> [Accessed 26 May 2022].