Presentation Reflection
presentation starts around: 2 hours and 7 minuets
Peer and Tutor Feedback
Millie: very clear of what you have said , great detail and great resource list
Edgars: Very well presented, sounded very confident, extremely unique idea with the doom soundtrack
Tom: During my presentation Tom told me DOOM hides images in the games audio visualizers, he said it might interesting to look into. A few mentioned artists that do this are Apex Twin and Jacob Collier
Nic S: Nic recommended listening to a composer named ‘JunkieXL’ who composed for Mad Max Fury Road, this is because both the movie and DOOM have similar music styles as they both combine electric and metal guitars together. Nic also said it might be a good ideas to look at the history of DOOM and how it has developed through the years, because I might take inspiration from the earlier 8 bit music style and I may get some ideas from it. Nic also told me that there is a BBC radio 3 show on every Saturday that talks about video game music, he recommended I check that out as it could be very beneficial for me. Nic also said I did well on my time management slide and that it was good. Nic said the flow of people around college will be minimal so putting posters around college may be a bad ideas as it wont get much publicity and target audience is specific and will only attract DOOM players and musicians interested.
Lewis B: After my presentation Lewis suggested speaking to Dan who is another student at Bradford college. He is also doing a similar project to mine and he could give me some tips and advice. I also thought strumming patterns might wont be an issue sequencing and syntheses can solve this. Ramstein and Nine Inch Nails also use synthesise and sequencing maybe I can take inspiration from these bands. I will critically analyse these bands to see how they are using syntheses in their songs. Lewis also suggested sending my composition to people that play the game to see if it fits right with the game.
Ben F: Ben said I should also analyse the story of DOOM as well as the soundtrack and its themes to make music around. Ben also recommended I get footage of gameplay with only dialogue and gameplay to compose over. Ben also said to be careful of copyright laws but it will be fine as long as I don’t aim to make money off of it.
Peer Feedback Response
After hearing Tom Speak out about the DOOM soundtrack hiding images in the visualizer I am intrigued to take a closer look and may think about doing something similar with my compositions as a fun little idea. Ben said to look into DOOM Eternals story and take inspiration from it, DOOM doesn’t have much story concept however it does have enough to work off of so this is a good ideas and I will definitely analyse the story for inspiration by creating a timeline and describing moments inside the story and what themes and emotions it provokes. Ben also mentioned finding footage of audio and gameplay clips with no music, this is a good ideas as I could play my composition over it in its final form. This also gave me the ideas to extract dialogue clips from the game that I like and put it in my composition. DOOM 2016 also used dialogue in their music in the track ‘BFG Division’. Ben also mentioned that I should be careful of copyright but Lewis said I should be fine with copyright laws if I am making no money off of the composition.
Lewis said that I should speak to Dan for tips on composing for DOOM which I will do through social media platforms as this could help me with developing ideas and learning techniques. I was also told that strumming patterns wont be as big an issue as I though they would be thanks to synthesise which is a relief. Other bands such as Ramstein and nine inch nails also use synthesise, I could maybe take inspiration from, so I will listen to these bands too see how they are using synthesise. Sending my composition to people that play the game is also a good ideas as I can get opinions and feedback from the games community which will be very beneficial for improvements, but there is not many people I know who play the game so I can ask forums from Reddit and Facebook where they have the same interests as me.
Nic said it might be a good ideas to look into DOOMS history and I agree, so I am going to play the early DOOM games and see how they are different to the modern games and how they evolved over time. This could give me some good inspiration and ideas for my own composition. Nic also suggested a BBC radio show which I will investigate as it will supply me with more knowledge of video game music and it will help me understand how it is developed more. I was also told putting posters around college may be ineffective and now that I have thought more about it I agree because it will lack publicity and those who do see it may not be interested. That’s why Instead I will promote through social platforms such as Facebook and Reddit, this is because anyone can post to forums where everyone shares the same interest, this means more interested people will find my music and be interested.
Self Assessment
I think overall my presentation went well as I described in detail what I was going to do for my final project and what my plans were. I confidently showed the steps I will take towards my goals in the form of a timetable for my presentation. This is good as it gives me a vague look at how I should manage my time over these weeks of the final project. However not everything was perfect I forgot to correct some minor errors on my presentation such as the one on slide 13 where I said I had to play at fast tempos. I later discovered I could just slow down the tempo, not fixing this minor error is no big deal, but it also is not professional. I think it was a sensible ideas to have a back-up plan if we went back into lockdown which is another positive. But one other negative I had was not well thought out plans, an example of this was the poster promotion strategy. As I talked about it my peer feedback its clear it wouldn’t work as well as I though, that is why I need to think more carefully about what plans I have and how effective they will work.
If I could change a few things going back I would first of all spend some time correcting minor issues and mistakes such as the slide 13 error. I would also spend more time thinking about other promotion strategies because there was not enough examples to show how I could attract listeners. And one other thing I would change is the research page on this page I would add some examples to some links I have already chosen. This would show that I am prepared and ready for the research phase of my project. So overall I would say I did a very good job on my presentation however there was some minor issues that I could have fixed to make my presentation look professional for presenting.