Final Idea

My final idea for my final project is to compose 2 different pieces of music. These compositions will be inspired by different video games that convey different moods and provoke different emotions. I will allow my self to pick the composition whether it be a main title theme or one used in specific scenes or any part in the game. I will use the games soundtrack as a temp score to be inspired by, I will listen to and analyse this to learn it musically gives off the emotion it does. When I am done with composing I will sync my composition to the scene/ point in the game I choose to make music for. When I do this I will be able to tell if I was successful in my attempt. This ideas links to the ever expanding music industry because video games are being rapidly developed and they all need music to help them make people feel what they want. So this project will teach me to develop video game music, which is good as it highly requested.

I choose do this as my final project because I found out from project 2 that I really like composing music, and I am also interested to see how video games can make you feel so much emotion from the music they develop. I was also very inspired by Mick Gordon who is an Australian guitarist who has composed many video game soundtracks. But my favourite are ‘DOOM 2015’ and ‘DOOM eternal’. I was inspired about how the music makes the player feel and how it builds and releases so much tension. After listening to some of the soundtrack before I decided I wanted to make something like it. have all the resources at home to compose such as logic, midi and a microphone. The only problem I can see coming is that some compositions may sound better with a guitar, so I might need somebody to play guitar for me to implement strumming patterns. The only issue is I might not be able to rely on someone playing in chords for me because of corona. But I am aware that there is a way to implement strumming patterns on logic, it just might consume more time. A list of the resources I may need are; midi keyboard, logic, guitar (preferably), an audio interface if I decide to use guitar and maybe Sibelius if I think I need it, but its not essential. At the end of this project I will also upload all my compositions to sound cloud under my name.

To make sure I convey the right moods and atmosphere through my compositions I will make sure I know what to do to make it as close to perfect as possible. My source of information will come through online blogs, interviews and other sources of information that preferably come from the composer them selves. I will take detailed notes on these to get the right techniques into my composition. My research will be the very first thing I begin in my final project so that I don’t make huge mistakes when composing the video game soundtrack. Obviously I will be suing some of there techniques convey the right emotion, however I will still be using my own creativity to make my very own composition.

I will show my composition development on the digital space every week explaining what I have done, my next ideas and how I can improve it. This will help me realise what I have to do to get better at composing the video game music. I will also have to take some health and safety risks, such as keep water from electrics and tuck wires away. I may need to also promote my music, my main source of promotion will be through social media such as Instagram. I will direct people to my sound cloud via links and audio clips to interest them. And if they take interest they can visit the sound cloud.

For the final project we have 9 weeks to complete it, so I do not waste time a plan must be put in order for time management. For my plan I would like 1 to 2 weeks maximum on research for my compositions. I would then like to spend 2 to 3 weeks on each individual composition. In my last two weeks I will go back to see if I can change anything about the compositions I have done, and what I can do to improve. If I struggle to find something I will continue composing my music until the last week. On my last week I will do my project reflections seeing what I did well and what could be improved. After my reflections I will upload the composition to sound cloud and post links on my social media. My target audience will be teens as they play more video games and are more interested in it’s music.

So to summarise my project details and goals, I would like to compose 2 different video game soundtracks that convey different emotion. Each video game will have a different theme and atmosphere to the previous. I will upload my music to sound cloud and promote it through my social media. I may need a guitarist to help me, but aside from that I have all the right materials by my side. In the 9 weeks of the project I will have done my research, my evaluations, promotions and my compositions. I will present my final idea through power point, where I will explain each element of my Final project individually.