Hi! My name is Isaac Hill. I have been playing piano for 2 and a half years as my main musical instrument. Before I started here I used to attend Guiseley high school for 5 years. Unfortunately I did not choose music for my GCSE course so I have been learning as much as I can from outside of school. My favourite genre of music to listen to is rock and I enjoy pretty much anything from the 80’s. My favourite band of all time is Queen as I love their songs as they are so powerful and the way they perform is incredible. However I probably enjoy playing musical piano pieces more as they have are more advanced and feel good to play once you have learnt them, they also can sound really beautiful as they are more written to be played alone by a piano, a few examples of this are; Yiruma ‘river flows in you’ , Beethoven ‘Fur Elise’ and ‘Moonlight Sonata’. In music I would like to specialise in producing my own music and performing music. And by the end of my first year in college I would like to be able to write my own song and develop it into a finished piece of music, as well as being able to perform confidently in front of a live audience. I have never played in a band before this college and I am very exited to have this new experience and skill.