Performance Summary

Personally, I was really proud of our performance. Everyone had put so much effort into really nailing their parts and it was definatley worth it.

Our set lasted 25 minutes which was a good timescale, and was to a professional standard. On the actual night we even had a drummer and a bassist sit in with us for the first time and despite this new scenario it still worked perfectly. The sound produced was excellent, and every song had little, if any, errors.

One thing that we should have worked on however, is introducing ourselves. We came on and went straight into the set, but only announced ourselves after the third song; which I felt was too late into the set.

Another improvement to make would be the arrangement on stage. It was more of a last minute thought so I was pushed to the wrong side of the stage. this meant I was very close to my amplifier and was having to fight feedback from it. Despite this, we managed to get through with little feedback, but it is definately something that needed pre-planning.

This performance went great, every band was at a professional standard, and any musical or mechanical errors were quickly resolved. The event was a great success.