Acts and Equpipment


For the event we had planned on having four bands perform; The two first year bands (Rhapsody and The Skins), our band (The Cassettes), and The Surge from the HND students.

Unfortunately, The Surge cancelled their performace for us a week befor the event, thefore we had to carry on with just the other three bands. In the end however this was almost a good thing as having four bands play would have made the concert drag on far longer than anticipated.

After the three bands performed, a spokesperson from the charity was supposed to come in and give a small talk about their charity and to thank everyon for the donations. This however did not go to plan as the spokesperson never actually showed up to the event after e-mailing them multiple times. This meant that we had to give a bit of info about the charity and such which wasn’t too bad, however it did not have the same effect as we were hoping for.


To work out what equipment was needed, I went around each band and asked for a list of everything that they would need on the night. after collecting all of these I then proceeded to make sure that everything was at the venue prior to the performances.

Here is the list:

  • 1 acoustic guitar,
  • 3 electric guitars,
  • 2 bass guitars,
  • 1 standard rock drum kit,
  • 2 guitar amplifiers
  • 1 bass guitar amplifier,
  • 5 microphones (singers),
  • drum kit microphones,
  • PA system (provided),
  • mixing desk,
  • iMac (for recording),
  • XLR cables,
  • guitar/bass cables,
  • guitar capos,
  • 5 monitors,
  • Lighting (optional).

Note: Some of this equipment was there as a backup incase something failed such as a guitar for example.

Once I had this list, I made sure that all of this gear was over in the venue and set up ready to be used. I also collected other miscelanious bits of information from the bands as well, such as set lenghts, content, and band names.