task 1 research

here is my research for my social media advertising project



i have used screenshots and websites as part of my research for this word document and have also sent an email to the company behind the product so i can further my current research.

4d lionfish puzzle ideas & rough script

so in this document i show some early ideas for what i wanted to do with my advert and also made a rough script for my advert although the script was not used for the final version as i had completely changed it all

4d lionfish moodboard – using figma

here is a small mindmap of what the product looks like in and out of the box it only has five images and i used figma to create this moodboard.


decided to have a look at fan made adverts so i can use as inspiration for when it comes for me to film and edit my advert.

Video-sizes & resolution

here is a small word document describing about what video sizes are and also about the resolution which people use for the highest quality to show their product in the adverts

Reception-Theory – research

this document tells you about reception theory in both books and tv even how it is used in film even to this day.

Mindmap fish task 1

Mindamp fish task 2


Script – for lionfish voiceover