
this is where I will put all my work about podcast

this is my word document I did on the happy hour podcast where they were discussing about the lost Simpsons episode dead bart I think I really did well on this document and quite happy with it.

this is my word document on how to make a good podcast intro I really happy how this has turned out as I really enjoyed watching the video and enjoyed making this document.

currently halfway through this but will complete this later

Reflection 1

reflecting on the work iv’e done so far is iv’e done quite well on the work i did two descriptive pieces of work and one that im process of working on i loved writing up the podcast intro that was fun to write and watching videos of podcast another thing i like doing im really happy with the work i have done so far and cant wait to produce my own podcast and i will use the work ive done so far to make and produce my own podcast.

my action plan for college this year and this course not the best and did this at home as i have been unwell recently

baileys autism podcast


Baileys autism podcast logo design app & web

podcast evaluation for podcast project- happy with what I had put