This module develops your understanding of key contextual and theoretical debates. It will enhance your understanding of contextual approaches to the creative industries in order to inform your own practice and set it within a wider historical, social economic and political context. It will provide you with an opportunity to increase your appreciation of products within the creative industries and to look at the similarities and differences between Eastern and Western practices. This module requires the application of academic research and referencing methods which are appropriate for learners at this level of study.

Global Drivers in the Games & Creative Industries
“Gaming is the most expansive category in the entertainment industry, as people everywhere turn to gaming to connect, socialize and play with their friends…”
Satya Nadella, CEO of Microsoft
Class Resource (Presentation) – Global Drivers in Games

Exploring Historical, Social Economic & Political Contexts
”Through research, debates and analysis you will enhance your understanding of contextual approaches to the creative industries and inform your own practice and set it within a wider historical, social economic and political context.”
Emerging Technologies
Changes in Censorship
Returning to Arcade Games
Gaming Addiction
Monetising Gaming Addiction
Gaming on the Go – How Smart Phones Changes the way we game.
Gaming for Social Interaction – Returning to arcade gaming, although games allow you to connect with people around the World.
Virtual Realities – Alternative Gaming Experiences
Monetising Gaming Addiction
Censorship around the World
Government Banning / Restricting Gaming in some Countries
Physical Impacts on Gaming
Understanding Consumers & Demographics

Scholarly Articles
The Evolution of Video Games
Pruett, C. (2003). The Evolution of Video Games. Interface: The Journal of Education, Community and Values 3(7). Available
Instituteforipr.org Institute for Public Relations “Examining How Social and Other Emerging Media Are Being Used in Public Relations” (Article)
scientificamerican.com Scientific American “Top 10 Emerging Technologies of 2017” (Article)
Theguardian.com The Guardian “What is the Internet of Things” (Article)
Useful Links
americangaming.org American Gaming Association
cga.globa Casual Games Association: CGA
igda.org IGDA – International Game Development Association
seriousgamesinstitute.co.uk Serious games institute
theesa.com Entertainment Software Association
tiga.org TIGA – Representing the Game Industry
Blog.wibbitz.com Wibbitz 10 Emerging Technologies that are Revolutionizing the Media Industry
Computerworld.com Computer World Emerging Technology