First draft plan
Scene 1- Opens in a barber shop – Slow mo of me getting my haircut with a pattern. Filmed with a phone and made to look handheld and bad quality. Possibly with a filter.
Intro plays- And quick cuts of each location maybe some slow motion effect and close up on jewellery. Speed wrapping in a zig zag towards me.
Scene 2-Location: Chellow Dean in front of view camera handheld moving chaotically and bouncing to the beat.
Scene 3- Establishing the field setting in which the second verse will be delivered wearing the Balaclava.
Scene 4- In front the water performing with the camera switching angles and showing me and scenery behind me.
Camera will start lower then me and will move chaotically to keep the screen moving and keep the energy consistent.
Scene 5- Will be performed in my drive way in front of my car.
Scene 6- Showing the streets of my area in quick jumpy shots to give the editor something to cut too.
Refined pre production plan.
Introduction- The intro will consist of copyright free footage and shots of the scenery with me possibly walking ad looking cool.
Scene 1- This scene will open with me in front of my car in the driveway delivering the first two verses with the camera man bouncing the camera to the beat.
Scene 2- It will then transition to me in the driver seat performing another two verses before completely shifting to a new location.
Scene 3- Will begin in Chellow deen with me possibly perched on a rock with the camera below me and I will be performing only one verse.
Scene 4- This scene will be shot on the Chellow Deen steps and I will be doing one verse here and the camera man will pan to me right before the verse starts to be able to match the last scenes transition.
Scene 5- Stay in Chellow Deen and choose the place with the best lighting.
Scene 6- When the 10th verse occurs Im going be on a bench in front of the water giving it a really good visual.
Scene 7- The eleventh verse requires me to use the back alley in chellow deen as it mentioned.
Scene 8- However in the same verse I need to shift back to the car for the dinger line.
Scene 9- Should be set in Chellow Deen and end with either shots of the scenery and fade out.

Initial location plan
First location I am thinking of is setting my music video in my barber shop and using clips from there as the prologue. As my aims of my project are to capture my roots I immediately thought of the barbers as it’s the place a lot of of young people spend majority of their time.
Whilst thinking of the location I created a list of crucial factors that I needed to consider before implementing my idea.
The lighting-Barber shops are not always well lit and can be very dull and boring to look at. Apart from getting my haircut there are a minimal amount of things to film in there. In order to combat this I will most likely have to use artificial light which may hinder the overall raw theme of my music video.
Permission- In order to film comfortably in the barber shop we need to find a time where we are the only ones in there. This is because in order to capture the shots we want it requires time and no distractions and having members of the public waiting for their own haircuts will either lead to the takes being rushed or unfinished.
Safety- Safety isn’t a major problem in a barber shop as its indoors and closed off however recording footage can bring unwanted and unnecessary attention putting us at risk of getting robbed or having an audience.
Second location drive way
My drive way in front of my car is a perfect area to film my photo shoot and gives me all the time in the world to perfect the takes. I am thinking of doing it infront of my garage and car to really set the scene.
Safety- This location is the safest there is as there is no risk of getting robbed in the area I am familiar with.
Lighting- The lighting is also perfect as it is outside in the day time meaning the camera will be able to pick up real light instead of artificial colour.
Permission- No permission is needed to film in this location as it’s my own property.
Final location- Variety of spots in chellow Deen woods
Chellow Deen is where the main body of my music video will be filmed and this is because of it’s variety of spots that look different to one and other. It creates the illusion that I am switch to different locations when in reality I am in the same vicinity. The woods contains fields, water, alleyways and of course forest areas.
The safety- Safety isn’t an area of concern as chellow deen is a really closed off and quite area. There is no risk of getting robbed however there is a risk of maybe losing equipment in among all the nature.
Permission- No permission is needed to film there making it a really easy and convenient option to shoot.
Lighting- The lighting there is also good and certain places are more well lit then others giving it a realistic and natural feel.
After considering all the above locations I have come to the rational decision of cancelling the barber shop and this is due to first of all not being able to arrange a day where we can be there alone, the risk of getting robbed and the artificial lighting.
Reasons for choosing certain locations.
My house
Choosing to shoot at my house makes a lot of sense to me as it ties in with my original aims of showing my roots and representing Bradford. It gives the impression that I as a ” bassline rapper” am staying true to myself. This location also has low risks and there isn’t a chance of any external factors stopping us from filming as long as we want. My drive way (where I intend to film) has a lot of space, thus enabling the camera man to move freely and using different shot angles and perspectives to make my project look unique.
Chellow deen
Chellow Deen is a very spacious area meaning it doesn’t look the same everywhere. Its a woodland area with water, fields and woods making it the perfect place to film a diverse video. Due to the area mainly having spacious and open fields, its very quiet and closed off to the public, this will minimise any unnecessary attention from others and also irradicate the risk of robbery. Chellow deen is very close to my house meaning the change between locations won’t require a long journey and the filming process will be short and simpler.
Here is a location mood board in which i compare the locations i want to use to that of the mainstream bassline artists.
Marketing strategies.
Although marketing isn’t what I’m focusing on in my project I do think its important to consider how i would go about publishing my work to reach my target audience. The music video i will create is for youtube and this is because youtube is the most viewed video sharing platform. It’s easily accessible on any device be it tablet, laptop or phone. If I was to publish my work I would use Tiktok as a way to advertise my song and this is because sixty percent of the viewers are aged sixteen to twenty four. This is extremely convenient for me as this age gap fits my target audience almost perfectly. Tiktok teaser clips are a very useful marketing strategy to create a “hype” around the song and make the audience wait for its release.

Posters are also an amazing way to advertise a product because they are short, sweet, snappy and colourful. I will not be making a poster for my project however I do recognise that its an extremely good way to put ur work out there and gain attention from the general public.
Some examples of some bassline posters.