1. You must film yourself at home performing a song or excerpt to showcase your ability as a performer or producer. You can choose any genre or style you wish. You may perform acapella (unaccompanied) or to a backing track. Your performance can be a track you have produced using music software if you wish.
2. Once you have filmed your performance you must upload the video to Youtube. I recommend you set the privacy to Unlisted, unless you are happy for it to be made public. Please see here for advice non setting up a Youtube account and uploading a video if you are unsure:
How to Start a Youtube Channel: Step-by-Step for Beginners
3. You must watch and listen back to your performance and complete written evaluation to accompany it. You may handwrite or word process your evaluation. Do not forget to save it as you will need it! Here are some questions to help you structure your evaluation (feel free to amend or add more!):
- What is the piece you have chosen for your initial assessment?
- Why did you choose this piece of music?
- What was successful about your performance and why?
- What wasn’t successful about your performance and why?
- What could you improve in the future and how?
- Include any additional important information such as – how did you learn the song? Links to the tab/music/tutorials you used. Links to the original song. Links to interesting live versions of the song.
For a more detailed explanation on how to complete an evaluation, please see here:

For an example of a very good initial assessment evaluation please see here: