
Authenticity statement: I confirm that the attached assessment is all my own work and does not include any work completed by anyone other than myself and sources have been appropriately referenced.

Context – Good – I think I have included a decent amount of context in my written work because I always kept directly on topic and never went off of my original point. I also made sure to talk about things that actually matter in my work.

Research – Good – think I have a good level of research because I have made sure to Harvard reference websites that I have gotten information from and I also think that I have included a good level of research because put this research to the test with my practical work and it worked out pretty well for me.

Practical skills – Good – think my practical skills have been good in this project because I went from having no idea about recording or mixing to eventually creating a full track.

Evaluation and reflection – Good – I think my evaluation and reflection is at a good standard because have made sure to include, positives, negatives and how this would benefit me in a real life scenario.

Overall Grade – Good – Overall I have really enjoyed doing this project despite how challenging it was, I think that I have completed this project to a good standard.