
I confirm that the attached assessment is all my own work and does not include any work completed by anyone other than myself and sources have been appropriately referenced.

Self Assessment:

Research- pass

I believe my research skills are a pass grade because I didn’t do much research seen as though I wanted to do everything myself without guidance from professionals.

planning and production – merit

I believe my planning and production skills were a merit grade because I planned what I need to to to the best of my ability but then went off track and did not achieve quite as much as I planned.

Practical Skills and presentation – distinction

I think my practical skills are a distinction grade because I wrote 4 songs from scratch this project but we only produced one. Also my presentation skills were a merit grade because I showed what and how I did things in order so that the viewer could follow along whilst examining my work.

Evaluation And Reflection- pass

I hope that my Evaluation And Reflection skills are as a merit grade but I think that they should be graded as a pass because I haven’t gone into much detail with any of the things I need improving. I am good at reflecting because when I look back to analyse what went wrong I do my best to not let the same mistakes reoccur.

Overall Grade – pass

Overall in this project I think I deserve a pass grade because I have worked very hard in this project to achieve a good final product and as I’ve been told before our song came out very nice.