
What went well: Well spoken and engaging with the audience and speaking to them as a whole and not looking away or looking down. Also a good amount of confidence with

What went wrong: Need to be a bit more specific with the drums and what i want out with playing the drums. Forgot a couple of subjects out of my project like the singing and the song writing and the final project video.

What to do better next time: Rehearse my project idea so i can explain exactly what i’m doing straight away instead of stuttering and forgetting what i’m doing so the audience have a clearer understanding and also so i’m a more confident speaker.

Peer Presentation feedback Evaluation and reflection:

I’m glad people had interest in my video idea and gives me more confidence that people will enjoy the final product of the video when I finish editing. And that I showed a suitable amount of information and detail so people understood my project. How ever I would agree with what they both say in that I need to condense my project more and not have as many side project so I can focus more on my guitar side of things which is what I want to do, instead of doing a mega hard task like playing song for the dead on drums. Next time I’ll show Research as I didn’t show any research at all and would of shown more context to the audience and also present how I’m going to manage my time with my project as I have it all down on my phone and on paper but just not on my presentation.

Teacher feed back:

Nick: Don’t overload your presentation and make sure your presentation is easy to read and has good spelling and grammar, rehearse the slides more and try not to read directly off the board all the time. And strongly consider the amount of things in my project and maybe instead of focusing on doing other things to be a better musician as a whole, instead, focus more on being a better guitarist instead which is what you want really want to be so i can be a more successful guitarist. So instead of doing s many things just do one cohesive project. Also have a better and more descriptive schedule so i have an efficient practice schedule that will build up the skills that i’ll need.

Lewis: Its important to know what tunings or keys i can sing in so it will suit my voice better and suit my vocal range and register better. Also to not jump into the biggest thing i can do and do the basics and foundations which will actually make me a better guitarist overall like major and minor scales and scales in general. And get a vocal practice routine to get used to signing and have a better understanding of it. Primary research would be like giving out forms for students or making a student quiz. And also get a finger exercise practices going on like stretches and wide scale playing.