

Peer Feedback:

Strengths: Very detailed, said what I do not know and how I will change that, thought about doing extra work to promote my acoustic set, explained health and safety risks and how to avoid them, used images in the presentation, going to open mic nights for practice, given clear reason to why I want to do this project, stated how my project it relevant to the industry, given lots of research points that are relevant, chosen appropriate roles for what people are comfortable in, presentation is “eye-catching and interesting”.

Points for development: Could be too much, read off the board too much and spoke really fast, didn’t go into much detail about the promotional side of the project, didn’t explain when I would be evaluating my work.

Evaluation and Reflection:

I agree with all the points made. I had a very detailed powerpoint that explained what my project was about very well, however my presentation skills let me down. The reason I was reading off the board so much and speaking really fast was because I was nervous and anxious to speak in front of everyone. To avoid this I definitely should have prepared more for the presentation by reading through my slides before or even creating notes to read off of to make sure I wasn’t looking back at the screen the whole time. I also definitely need to work on researching more about promotion and how to get a gig as at the moment I have no clue and doing more research into it will give me a lot knowledge. As for the evaluation, I briefly mentions that I would be doing a written evaluation after every video I take from rehearsals as well as research, I will make sure to make how I will evaluate more prominent in my proposal.

Tutor Feedback (from video) and evalutation:

Nic said in the. video about how looking for open mic nights that late on in the project won’t be very good and that I should probably start early so we can go to them as soon as we have some songs ready. I agree to this and have decided to move looking for open mic nights to week 1 so that we can start performing quicker. He also mentioned that 28 songs may be to many to learn in time for the end of the project and I do agree with him but I have made it hard on myself so that I get better and push myself over my limits to prepare for university. The comments about time keeping also came up and I could probably do more research into how to keeping on top of my work and not getting defeated by too much work too quickly. Lewis asked what it was I wanted to get better at from doing this project and in the video I wasn’t too sure how to answer, after reflecting I would really like to learn more about professionalism in the music industry and what it includes, as well as expanding my knowledge of music theory and making my skills better on guitar. It was also made present that I need to do a lot more reteach about the promotional side of my project and that I need to have a deeper think about how I want to promote my acoustic duo. I will definitely research moper into that and find a better way to incorporate my TikTok into it. I will also definitely take on board lewis’s comment about doing primary research and will reach out to performers i know of to be able to get the inside view of how to get a good gig booked.