Bias- The definition of bias means to have different views and opinions compared to other people or the more proper term is to be against someone.
The way bias affects the media and news we receive is by showing us the same thing but two different views on the same topic for example one news company or influencer may talk about a certain sport and say how good it is where as another influencer may say how bad it is and it is not good for people.
The way bias impacts people its kind of like bringing sheep (people) in and suddenly gain a mass audience bias can lead to isolation, vulnerability, disadvantage and discrimination.
The way bias shapes our view is by feeding us a source of information like a drug it wants to keep us hooked or addicted to the topic at hand and it wants us to believe that it is the only correct source.
Unconscious bias is were we describe the associations we hold outside our conscious awareness and control. Unconscious bias is triggered by our brain automatically making quick judgement and assessments.
Bias by omission- A omission bias describes the tendency to perceive as worse and recall better, bad outcomes.
Bias by selection of sources- Selection bias is introduced by the selection of individuals, groups or data for analysis in a way that proper randomization is not achieved.
Bias by story selection- Bias by story selection is where a media outlet runs a story and study is done by a liberal group but ignores the same study/story done by a conservative group.
Bias by placement- Story placement is a measure of how important the editor considers the story. Studies have shown that, in the case of the average newspaper reader and the average news story.
Bias by labeling- Bias by labeling comes in two forms . The first is the tagging of conservative politicians and groups with extreme labels while leaving liberal politicians and groups unlabeled or with more mild labels, or vice versa. The second kind of bias by labeling occurs when a reporter not only fails to identify a liberal as a liberal or a conservative as a conservative, but describes the person or group with positive labels.
How can bias be prevented?
The way bias can be prevented is one way which is to conduct a double blind study in which neither the experimenters nor the participants know who’s receiving the treatment.
How to recognize bias?
“A biased author may not pay attention to all the facts or develop a logical argument to his or her opinions. Bias is when a statement reflects a partially, preference, or prejudice for or against a person. We all have an unconscious bias we need to to recognize it so we know what we say and do.”
What are the roles within journalism?
Editor- An editor is responsible for what is published onto the newspaper and oversees everything that is done and is in charge of everything each team member does.
Reporter- A reporter writes stories that depend on the topic at hand for example sports would be a topic. A reporter would find the current source that is attractable to them and their company and start to research the topic at hand.
what do they do?
“IPSO makes sure that member newspapers and magazines follow the editors code and investigate complaints about printed and online material.”
How do IPSO help regulate the media?
IPSO has a complaint committee and has launched guidance on many things.
What standards do IPSO put in place?
Editorial standards are there for a reason they are there so whatever is put up online is telling the truth.
What is IPSO’S editor code?
IPSO’S editor code sets the framework for the highest professional standards that members of the press subscribing to the independent press standards. OFCOM
what do OFCOM do?
“OFCOM makes sure people get the best from their broadband, home, phone and mobile services while they oversee the universal postal service which means Royal Mail must deliver and collect letters six days a week. They also stop harmful and offensive media” (OFCOM, 2024)
How doe OFCOM regulate the media?
The way OFCOM regulates the media is by doing it through tv, radio and video on demand services. Their broadcasting code contains rules which tv and radio broadcasters must follow. There are separate rules for video on demand services.
What standards do OFCOM put in place?
OFCOM’S duties come directly from parliament. Their priority is to look after you, and they sometimes do this by promoting competition.
What is OFCOMS’S editor code?
OFCOM’S editor code looks after the airways use by wireless devices like cordless phones, walkie talkies and even some car keys and doorbells.
The Guardian

The positive thing about this article is that it is constantly updating the last update was an hour ago.
One side the refugee camp is saying 47 bodies were discovered where as The Hamas-run health ministry in Gaza is saying that 50 martyrs, 150 wounded and a dozen under the rubble.
Racism how can we stop it?
Racism is a major factor that has affected lots of people and communities fall apart because of it
Racially motivated hate crimes are the highest reported type of hate crime in the UK. A total of 109.843 racially aggravated were recorded in 2021/22.
How does racism affect Bradford as a whole?
In the 1950’s and 1960’s South Asians from India and Pakistan (including East Pakistan, which would later become Bangladesh) were welcomed to Britain to work in the mills and factories and towns across Yorkshire and Lancashire. Bradford had the highest concentration of South Asians compared to other towns.
There are a total of 109,843 racially motivated hate crimes (home office)
43% of hate crime reported to Stop Hate UK are racially motivated.
There is a 19% in increase in racially motivated hate crimes (home office).
5 days ago during the EFL Trophy game against Manchester City under 21’s racist remarks were hurled at a player.
“What is Ofcom ? “ (Accessed 04/03/24)