
Self Assessment

Context – Satisfactory – I understood a lot of contextual information within the project but I don’t believe I evidenced it particularly well, which is what I must do to reach a higher grade. I could also relate the things I’ve learnt and understood to the practical side of the project more.

Research – Satisfactory – I gathered a decent amount of relevant information which helped me in this project, I feel that I could’ve either done more or just evidenced more as that is something I would occasionally forget. It would also be beneficial to look to a wider range of sources for my research.

Practical Skills – Good – I worked well with the practical side of things, however I believe a higher grade would’ve been achieved if I had a more hands-on role with the live sound and other technical aspects, or if I had talked more in-depth about those aspects of the project.

Evaluation/Reflection – Good – I analysed my performances with a lot of detail, but to reach the next level I must use a lot more advanced language and actually show my understanding of more advanced terminology, not just using it for the sake of using it.

Overall – Satisfactory – I believe I made a positive start, but as I’m getting used to doing what I need to do to evidence all my work, it isn’t the best work I could do. At times I didn’t include the necessary details or maybe didn’t word things in the best possible way, but I still think I’m on the right track and I could only get better from this point, given more time and experience.

I confirm that the attached assessment is all my own work and does not include any work completed by anyone other than myself and sources have been appropriately referenced.