I confirm that the attached assessment is all my own work and does not include any work completed by anyone other than myself and sources have been appropriately referenced.
Context; Good
I have a good understanding of the topic i explain while having good knowledge on the subject when explaining the context in an articulate way.
Research; Satisfactory
As of the time i’am writing this i have the skill on getting the sufficient relevant amount of information on the topic i have documented in the past used to help develop ideas to help me improve.
Practical skills; Good
i have showed consistent and appropriate processes in my practical work and clear evidence of my ability to develop creative solutions, such as when i struggled in film music i found a solution with just my creativity.
Evaluation and Reflection; Satisfactory
I have showed clear evidence of valid and realistic analysis’s which i have the ability to develop ideas with them too but i am lacking sophistic thinking and maturity in decision making