Christmas Carol is a book of film and a play that Charles Dickens many years ago it is based on Scrooge and his worker and little boy called Tommy who’s on crutches and that Scrooge changes is with with three spirits visiting.
5 facts about charles dickens
- 1. Dickens supported the rehabilitation of prostitutes .
- 2. Charles Dickens also saved lots of people from a train crash .
- 3. He might have had obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) .
- 4. “Dickens” – the Shakespearean insult .
- 5. He had 10 children and gave them all funny nicknames .
5 facts adout poverty in victorian era london
- Unemployment – families had no means of support.
- Large families – many children had to be catered for.
- Death of main ‘bread-winner’ – no one to make money.
- Disability/injury at work – loss of earnings through inability to work.
- Illness – those off work due to illness would not be paid and had the added costs of medical consultation and treatment.
5 facts adout delius churh bradford
- Delius: not just a British composer? Frederick
- African American influences. Delius was heavily
- A Village Romeo and Juliet. One of Delius’ best
- Delius and conductor Hans Haim. Delius enjoyed a
3 examples of A Christmas Carol on stage.
1] A Christmas Carol – Charles Dickens | Oxford Bookworms: Stage 3 – Bing video
2] DCPA Stages Traditional ‘A Christmas Carol’ – Bing video
3] Preview: A Christmas Carol – Bing video
Christmas carol was first published in 1843 as A Christmas Carol, is a novella by Charles Dickens, first published in London by Chapman & Hall in 1843 and illustrated by John Leech.
Charles dickens stat to write Christmas carol in 1834 published 0n December 19 , 1834 on January 15,1844 Francis Jeffery frank Dickens ,the there son of Charles dickeys is born.
1] blocking is Blocking is where you block out first see what you are rehearsing so you know where to stand them wet which way to face and who you are talking to.
2]Who uses blocking?
We use blocking before in performing arts to make a rough set of your stage before your plan so you know what you need what you need to decorate paint and get ready for you and you know where to stand and for that job salmon and which way to face and what your space is like.
3]How can it help us create/develop a performance?
it can help us develop a performance by that we know how we can change and develop for set and the stage for the performance what we are doing and how we can develop a characters and in the process.
Charles Dickens ’s idea for A Christmas Carol originated in the north of England when he traveled to speak at the Manchester Athenaeum, a sort of philanthropic organization for the working poor—a population that was largely uneducated, powerless, exploited by factory owners, and ignored by everyone else.
The atmosphere what is created by the writer is that is family play what is about the Spirit of Christmas and Scrooge changing his ways to be more nice and careers this is short by when Scrooge is nice to his workers and that he appears for tiny term to get the medical attention that you need in the plate and the book and he will have it for all of the children and tiny Tim.