Project 4 – Task 3

Project Action Plan and Timetable

Date Week BeginningActivity / What you are intending to do – including independent studyCurrent Progress
1  20 FebWeek 1 will mostly consist of research and sketching the characters.
2  27 febWeek 2 will have more research and cleaning the sketches of my characters and starting on the outline.
3  6th March will be completing the outlines of my characters and starting on the base colors.
413th March   Creating the first few slides sketch out the scenes
5  20th MarchOutine the slides and color them
6  27th Marchwill have more coloring and starting on the shading.   i have complete 7 sketches of my comic panels.
717th AprilMore sketchs on scenes for e the next few scenes and start on oiutlines
824th AprilFinish outlines and start colouring.
9  1th  Maywill be completing the shading and starting to write out the text.
108th  Maywill be finishing the text and checking for any details I may have missed.
1115th  MayPresentation Deadline
 22nd MayEvaluation Deadline

Reflective Journal

strengths and weaknesses

I made this badge using Adobe Illustrator and photoshop. By using the ellipse tool I made a circle and lined the text with that, then I added a image I made previously to fill in some space. I then made the background by using two more circles of different colours to add some contrast and make the overall image more eye catching.

This is a example of my drawing process using Procreate, involving my creative process stages:

  1. sketching – messy
  2. sketching – refinement
  3. fine line-art
  4. colours and colour blending
  5. final details