Sibelius work

This was the first task we had to do in Sibelius, at first I was confused as to what we had to do but it was preparation for what we were doing later, it was good practice.

For this project we were supposed to make a piece of music for a moving image video, this was the first week. I was given a chord progression to work with this was challenging because I had already thought of something but was told it wasn’t what we were working with so I had to make something up I am not proud of what it became but its what I needed to do so I did it, on that week I only just went through half of the A section with the chord progression I was given, I did use that week for adjusting and getting used to the new progression.

this was the second week of the moving image project and in that week I finished section A and have nearly finished section B after section B I think that will finish after using Sibelius I think it made me understand another way to make music and shows how hard it can be.

This was the third week and for this week I wanted to experiment with using the 1st and the 5ths for the bass notes making them sound more prominent and sounding like an actual bass note before I couldn’t hear the difference but now I can here it. I also experimented with crescendos and decrescendos which was really good to finally be able to use now that I know how to use them.

This was on Thursday when we had to finish the score and I think on this score i did really good the form of the score is ABC the score changes and doesn’t go back I think that is what I was going for I am happy with how it turned out in the end and am satisfied with the result.

I have finished all my Sibelius work and turned it into a midi file and have synced it to the Temporal Distortion video. I have saved all parts of my score and put them in their individual papers.

PEER REVIEW – DISCLAIMER – (there was sound but with technical difficulties, there will be no sound I have tried using youtube as a source but it does the same thing if you need proof of there not being a score you can approach me and I will show you the video with the sound I am sorry for the inconvenience please don’t degrade me for a technical mistake I have done the work of you need proof the pdf’s above should prove evident)

.Very Smooth, also very calming which really adds some feeling to the video, matches the video really well,

.simple but that really helps with the chill sound of the track

.Overall very pleasing to listen to, although it gets repetitive at certain parts but that isn’t ruining the track at all, the calm and chill sound of the track still shine through- Edgars KL

EVALUATION – At the start of this project i wasn’t very optimistic with the chords i have been given but stuck it out and used them thinking of the challenge and in my opinion i think i did pretty good and i am proud with how i turned out.

It wasn’t until i started section B when i knew where i wanted to take my music and from that point i improved