Project 5 self-assessment

Self assessment made by Ellis Hardy

Context – Merit – I believe my work is in a merit position. I have produced good work the meets the guild lines. I have referenced my work properly and have supported my claims the written work isn’t good enough for a distinction because of the way I write what I did I tell too much of a story which isn’t good enough for a higher grade.

Research – Merit – I have produced good research to prove what inspired me and the correct reference’s to go with them. the research that could not be Harvard reference I have explained why I didn’t achieve a higher grade because of some inefficient evidence and a small portions hear or say but the rest have creditable sources.

Practical skill’s -Distinction – I think the practical skill’s I have shown deserve a distinction grade. I have a good understanding of what the task was and I started with what I knew and along the way, I improved and I think it shows as I have said in the Project 5 research, inspiration and what I did page.

Evaluation and reflection – Merit – I think I have effective communication in the analysis and interpretation of the decision making in this project, therefore, have earned merit. There have been some areas of this project that have let me down in terms of reflection.

Authentication statement

I confirm that the attached assessment is all my own work and does not include any work completed by anyone other than myself and sources have been appropriately referenced.


Ellis Hardy

Final Assessment Made by tutor