
I confirm that the attached assessment is all my own work and does not include any work completed by anyone other than myself and sources have been appropriately referenced.

Context- Good
Through out this project I understood the context and what to do for this project.

Research- Good
I feel like I have done enough research for all 3 compositions, I researched into Skrillex for my Ableton composition, For my Logic Film score I looked into a movie called Train Spotting and looked into what is a film score and for my own song I looked into the bands that inspired me into making the song.

Practical skills- Good
Even though I haven’t made a lot of progress with my practical skills I still managed to come up with a song on my own.

Evaluation- Good
Explained what I have done in this project in detail and talked about what I enjoyed through out the project and what I didn’t.

Over all Grade- Good