This is one of my many covers I did after discovering an app called Bandlab which allowed me to record my voice in a higher quality compared to my project 5 when I recorded on my camera. It was a great discovery which allowed me to carry on my work even after completing project 5, I could work on adding in better background audio, but for now, Bandlab is one of the main apps I use to record my covers. As always, I edit the videos myself, and I have set it up in a particular format which easier for me to produce, but still looks aesthetically pleasing fo the viewer. Recording these songs over the summer has allowed me to have a wider setlist and have more variety when I perform. Overall, not being on camera allows me to express my full vocal potential, and it makes it less nerve-wracking. In these videos it really shows how much vocals have improved. I use the same software as I did in project 5, I use Kinemaster diamond as my main editor for videos. Overall, I had fun creating these videos and I still create more to this date.