
Wall-E Task

I was assigned a wall-E silent video, my task was to come up with different sounds that will suite the audio. So for example there is a scene where the the vacuums gets stuck on Wall-e, Therefore I had to record a sound that would make that certain noise.

I firstly watched the full video on silent, then I went back at to the start and I would watch the Wall-E video scene by scene whiles going through all the sounds we had, in each moment I would stop and look for a suitable sound for that certain movement or action

absent for recording so used another groups

Once I choose the sound for each scene and moment I went back to the start of the video and tried putting them in the correct time to synchronise the sounds with the video. I added different types of effects to different audios for them to match the action

Once i found the sound i want to use for that certain action I would cut the unnecessary audio off and place it in the right spot.

To export my film I had to go to file, movie, export to movie

I added different types of effects for example distortion, EQAs a overall work I think the sounds I choose were well fitted because even if I couldn’t exactly find the sounds I needed I would use the sounds I already had and would change the EQ or I would change the the speed fo the sound. For this specific scene i sued distortion.

I used effects and output to make the sound distorted and match the scene where the vacuums explodes, I also added more then one audio for that scene

I added multiple audios to create eco and distortion to get that perfect audio.

However there are some parts of the video that are out of time, this might be because the audio for that part might be too short and might not be long enough for the shot, now I could have sowed it down to make it longer but it wouldn’t have the same effect.

If I had the chance to redo this task I would have taken more time recording specific sounds to make sure its long enough for the action.


Foley is making certain sounds for films, so for example if you have a horse scene you’d youse coconuts and collide them against each other to make it seem like the recording of the horse scene was real. They would make this sound to make the visuals see real with the sound. (Pritchard, 2020)

Foley is a creation to make the visuals real, it also has importance of showing emotions, for example Wall-e is a movie that does not contain any dialogue, therefor the importance of sound in that movie was very important since sound was the only way they could express emotions other then face expressions and body language.

To make foley sounds you would need a studio that has the equipments to record sounds whiles in the studio they normally have a screen they can view the film in order to view what they are making the sound for. The sounds they record can be anything, clothing swishing, glass breaking, footsteps, doors. (Ideas, 2020)

  1. Feet: The most common production sound a foley artist creates is the sound of footsteps, since those are more difficult to accurately capture while shooting a scene. Foley recording studios have a variety of different types of shoes and floor surfaces so artists can recreate steps from nearly any shoe on any surface. 
  2. Movement: The sound of movement, like the sound of two people brushing past each other, is a subtle sound effect that enhances a scene. 
  3. Specifics: Specifics are any sounds that are not movement or footsteps, like a phone ringing or a door creaking.

They have different probs to make the certain sounds for the scenes, for example, if theres a scene where you can see someone walking the artists put on certain shoes and walk on appropriate surface, this can be wooden floors, grass. (MAIO, 2020)

Foley in a theatre is part of the overall sound film design, there are performances where the actors are thought how to make certain sounds by a foley artists or a foley artist that is employed there to create the sounds on the real time, right there and then. (Wharton, 2020)

Reasons you might use foley in films is, when you don’t have the desired sound impact you wanted it to have. Some sounds that cant be sued in the production, for example there are some objects that don’t make sounds therefore you would want to recreat them to give the film the impact you wanted it to give.

Foley is used to fill in scenes that are unable to use the production audio on set (or not chosen too). Often every intimate detail that is required can’t be captured by the production audio, or the place is too noisy – that’s where foley comes in.(Contis, 2020)

TV shows, and even some video games, from zipping jackets to setting up coffee mugs, were possibly produced in post-production exactly for that particular moment. Usually, Foley artists perform the acts that produce the sound in teams of two. With props, they act out the sounds along with the film as it plays. Effective Foley artists take care of their bodies in a way that they are athletes, re-enacting in a film almost every step and movement of a single character. They have a gift for conveyance, and


MAIO, A., 2020. Foley: The Art Of Sound Design. [online] StudioBinder. Available at: <> [Accessed 15 December 2020].

Ideas, S., 2020. Foley Effects | Foley Artists | Foley Sound | Sound Ideas. [online] Available at: <> [Accessed 15 December 2020].

Wharton, D., 2020. What Is A Foley Artist? | The Royal Central School Of Speech And Drama. [online] Available at: <> [Accessed 15 December 2020].

Pritchard, L., 2020. What Is Foley?. [online] Available at: <> [Accessed 15 December 2020].

Contis, E., 2020. What Is Foley Sound And Why Do You Need It? – Careers In Film. [online] Available at: <> [Accessed 15 December 2020].

Contis, E., 2020. What Is Foley Sound And Why Do You Need It? – Careers In Film. [online] Available at: <> [Accessed 15 December 2020].