task 4 – podcast evaluation

below is the evaluation of what i did for this project i reflected & evaluated the whole podcast in my opinion and gave my thoughts on it

Evaluation – Podcast – Bailey Haggan

Task 1 – Research

What did you have to research on ?

So for research I had to analyze two podcast one was about how the person got into graphics design and the other podcast was how to be creative and generate cool ideas I had to research and analyze the style , tone and format for each of the podcast and also give feedback on the two podcast I have watched.

I then had to research audience & demographic where I had to look into what a target audience is , the types of different audience members , what the best target audience would be for the podcast I am working on , how I will reach my audience and why it might appeal to my target audience. By conducting this research, I was able to understand a lot more about audience & demographics and I know that audiences can be different for different genres of podcast.

After conducting research on podcast & audiences I had to work on a proposal for my podcast what I had to do was write up a proposal for the podcast using a template where I had to think of a title , write a small summary of what my podcast was going to be about  , talk about what I was going specifically discuss about in my podcast in the subject specifics , then I had to give some something about audiences about who would listen to my podcast and what places would listen to my podcast , then I had to discuss the podcast format I was going to use and I chose to a solo commentary and I would just be talking my personal experiences with graphics design before finishing my proposal talking about my influences and what inspired me to discuss the things for the podcast and that what I had to for the proposal for my podcast.

Reflect on task 1

Reflecting on task 1 I have to say the research part was easy to conduct because it was only written work I particularly liked analyzing the two podcast as I got to watch them and give my opinions on them researching the audience part was decent I enjoyed looking at the different types of audiences and why are they important to this task and doing the proposal was decent and I enjoyed writing my plan up so overall task 1 was great a few things I could improve on but overall really enjoyable to create.

Evaluate on task 1  

Now evaluating on task 1 there were some parts of research I used to create my podcast I used the research to come up with the ideas I was going to talk about in my podcast and using the research I conducted I think I was able to create the podcast I wanted thanks to the research I conducted.

Task 2 – planning & production

What did you have to plan ?

Now for this task we had to plan what I wanted to do with my podcast so I came up with a plan to have an intro , talk about three subjects and have an outro the podcast had a maximum 15 minutes so I had to space each one out in blocks of 4 minutes each to make enough time at the end to record the outro the plan I created would give me time to talk about the stuff I want to discuss and help me understand what I was going to talk about in my podcast.

For the next part I had to produce & write a script for my podcast the reason I wrote a script so I would know what to say so I didn’t mess up my lines when it came to recording most of the stuff I scripted came from my mind and wrote it down so I would be able remember and say it I had to spilt my script into blocks of what I was going to say for each project so I know what part which is which and so I get mixed up when it came to recording my podcast and have the script with me so I know what I had to say when it came to it.

How did the production process go

So for the production process I had to record , edit and develop my podcast for the recording of my podcast I had to go a tv studio in a different building to record my podcast and I had to sit in there on my own with a microphone and record the podcast. After recording I went back to the classroom and began transferring my audio onto my computer after it all been transferred I began the editing process.

Before I started editing I transferred the files from the SD card to my laptop and I began the editing process so I went home and moved all the audio files into premiere pro and moved the audio files into the bar and began the editing process and removing the background noise from the audio after removing the unwanted bits I put all the audio into one and then mixed the audio to make sound loud and better quality after that I took some screenshots of the process before I added the music (which I got from royalty free music btw) to the start and finish of my podcast and the logo that would air through my whole podcast and had finished editing my podcast and uploaded it on to YouTube and digital space.

Finding the music was difficult I had to find one that was punchy and vibey in the end I found one on this webite called royalty free music and used the music from that and added it into my podcast.

Reflect on it

Overall the production process was quite fun to do I loved recording the podcast & editing it there were some parts that where tricky and difficult to but overall I really enjoyed there were some stuff I liked and didn’t like about it but overall was still fun to work on.

 Evaluate on Task 2

Evaluating on task 2 I have to say I used the podcast plan & the script to record my podcast I was able to use the plan so I know what stuff I was going to talk about in my podcast and used the script to know what I had to say looking back using these were vital to when it came to both editing and producing my podcast.                                 

Task 3 – Distributing a podcast

What branding did you come up with for your podcast

For the branding I decided to make a logo for my podcast what it is I grabbed the background from google and then added blue to it before adding a dark blue border to it , I then added black and white boxes with red , black or white lettering I also used different fonts to make it stand out I feel by adding these I think it would make the podcast pop and make it look nice and I think by adding it in.

I also made an app version of my logo by turning it into a square less black and white boxes however would keep the same format for the text by creating a version for an app I would say that my podcast can reach people on all devices and not just through YouTube.

I also made some other branding with the app version of my logo by creating a t-shirt , a mug and a hat by creating these I learnt the skills of making other products to use as part of my branding.

What interactive elements did you come up with for your podcast

For the interactive elements part of task 3 I created a questionnaire where people can fill in after listening to my podcast and give either positive or negative feedback about my podcast and I asked them question like what they liked or disliked about it , how they rate my podcast and any additional comments they may have about it.

By adding these interactive elements I think I’m able to give my audience some say about my questionnaire and give feedback on it and would be able to use the provided feedback to give future episodes of my podcast much better quality and louder audio for future episodes if I plan to make more.

Reflect On Task 3

Looking back on task 3 I have to say that I rather enjoyed doing task 3 as I was able to show off my creativity and my experience of graphics design by designing the logo & the branding for my podcast by doing this I think I was able to develop and learn new skills by designing the branding and the branding part was really easy in my opinion it was quick and easy to do and it didn’t take a long time to produce.

For the interactive part I have to say I had to create a questionnaire however now & again I got a bit lost when it came to writing the questions luckily I was able to come up with them making the text boxes for them was tricky as I only had limited space but in the end got there reflecting back the interactive part was easy to do and get peoples views on my work.

Evaluating Task 3

Evaluating Task 3 I was able to use the branding as the logo for my podcast and use it in the whole video of my podcast so people would be looking at my logo whilst listening to my podcast.

Overall Reflect on the whole project

Overall reflecting back on the whole project I have to say I liked working on it to be honest there were parts I liked such as the recording , editing and the branding part of the podcast however some parts dragged in my opinion for example the research and planning took too much time looking back there were some parts I could of improved on such as make my podcast longer and the branding slightly better in my opinion.

Overall I enjoyed this project and I would like to do it again as I was able to learn & understand new things and wouldn’t mind making a podcast again in the future if I had the time to do it again.

Evaluate The Whole Project

Evaluating the whole project in my opinion there where stuff I used from all the task above to create the podcast I wanted to create and talk about what I wanted to do for my podcast overall if it wasn’t for the other task my podcast would be a mess and doing this project I really understood more about podcast and why it was part of this course also looking back I wish i did some stuff differently like for example i wish i went back and re-did some of my research as i don’t think i did much tbh and wish i did more however i’m quite happy with how this project went for me and i developed new skills in which i will use in the future if i plan to make another podcast in the future.


Feedback – 1

Lewis Blofeld

Podcast Feedback – exciting music that sets out a dynamic and interesting start. The dialogue is recorded quite low and sounds very thin, lacking in bass frequencies. You can hear the shuffling of pages as you turn over each one, you could have removed this in Post Production. The focus on the topic of the podcast could have been broader and could have been enhanced with more research. The podcast information is based on subjective viewpoints without any facts to back up what you are saying. It would have been really beneficial to have an interview or another viewpoint to consider.

Feedback Response

Thank you for the feedback im glad you like the music i thought it would make it stand out and upbeat i am sorry that the podcast was too low and lacking in bass i do apologise about the background noise i tried to edit out as much as i can and you were probably right with the audio i could of made it clearer and louder for people to understand i could of went back and made the edits that you suggested and i agree with the fact that should of added an interview and a bit more factual evidence of the topics i discussed in the podcast but other than that im sorry that the podcast didnt meet your requirements and standards.

I confirm that the attached assessment is all my own work and does not include any work completed by anyone other than myself and sources have been appropriately referenced.

Tutor Feedback