Task 3 – production & post production of final screen broadcast

Evaluation – Task 3 Broadcast & Media Production


for the research we all had to look into what roles we wanted to do in the future and had to research three roles there many roles i could choose from however i decided to look into the roles of a producer who oversees one or more aspects of video production and also participating in activities such as screenwriting , set design and casting i then looked up he role of a camera operator and there role is to be employed by film or tv companies to capture footage of what the actors are doing and they also make sure the camera is in the right and correct positions and also monitor other cameras and thats what a camera operator does another role i looked into was a video journalism and its where a journalist shoots , edits and often present there own material for a tv audience those are all the roles i had to look into for my research for the broadcast production project.


Looking back on the research I have to say this was easy to do as we would not of needed to do that much research and finding all the research for the roles was easy to search up due to the millions of search results that each of my roles had in my opinion the research was nice and quick easy to do and looking back i wish i added a little bit more research to it but despite that im happy with how everything turned out with the research.

Planning & Production

Looking back in the planning & production process there were stuff we had to do which was to put into three big groups of five or six people I was allocated to group B and we also had to assign our roles I was given the role of graphics designer due to my experience being in the graphics design industry.

We then all came up with the script and decided to do a talk show and would discuss three different subjects these subjects are in the script and was discussed during our tv show these are the LGBTQ+ community in the movie industry , racism in the film industry and how movies affect society.

In my group we have each a different role which included directing , producing , acting , graphics , camera operator and floor manager and I was assigned the role of graphics designer due to my experience with graphics design.

In my role as graphics designer I had to come up with an intro everyone agrees with and our show was called the star show and I had to design an intro around the name and decided to come up with an intro with a star & text that would spin and after a certain time curtains would open and the logo would stop spinning and would fade away to start the show I also made an outro which is shorter and doesn’t feature the curtains opening scene.

I also had to design the floor & seating plan where I had to come up with the stuff what we were going to use on our set and a lighting plan and we had to demonstrate & show how our plan would work for our project.

We have done the planning stage and we are now in production before we begun rehearsals I did practise shows where I had to do different roles which includes camera operator , actor , director , producer and floor manager by doing these practises I was able to understand why these roles play a major part in the film & tv industry.

For the next part of the production we had to get into our groups of five or six and we had to start working on our roles as its my role as graphics designer I am responsible for showing the intro , the sponsor message and the outro from a computer screen I also had to press start and stop recording so our broadcast can be saved some of the group were absent meaning some of us had to do more than one role it was very difficult but got it sorted in the end.

Whilst doing rehearsals I was making improvements to the logo that we would be using for our tv show the changes included opening curtains and the logo would fade out and the show would begin.

We then took part in rehearsal shows with members of our group and we had to work in our roles in my role I have sit at a laptop and show off the graphics I designed during rehearsals we had different actors each time and we had technical problems each time but we got there in the end and rehearsals were tricky to master but had got them sorted in the end and that concludes task 2


Looking back on task 2 I have to say that doing task 2 was very enjoyable I loved making the graphics and have to say this was the most enjoyable part for me as a whole I loved making my intro as I loved finding all the parts and components for my intro and I didn’t like my original one so I added opening curtains and the star would fade out to allow it to begin and I prefer that intro to the one I originally made but other than that I really enjoyed making the intro and the floor and lighting plans and that what I loved about task 2.

Another thing I loved I want to reflect is the rehearsals I loved doing the practise scenes and practising different roles were really fun and I loved being in the little studio making sure the intro, outro and sponsor were played correctly even though rehearsals didn’t go as I hoped we got there and I want to go back and make sure we had planned everything before we had started rehearsals to not have the problems we’ve had on set and that what I want to reflect on task 2 about.

Production and screening of final production  

For task 3 we now have to do our final show and make sure that had everything organized and planned and make sure we made no mistakes all of us arrived except one who arrived later which jeopardized the show a bit as we already started recording the show however there loads of errors such as technical problems , mistiming the start of the show and there some issues with the acting in general and issues with my intro and the sponsor message as my intro didn’t have the music and we had the wrong sponsor message

 and everything seemed to go wrong for us at some parts but we managed sort them out and fix the issues that we had and managed to complete the show smoothly I showed the graphics as usual and the show went smoothly minus the difficulties we had to be honest I have to say we all played our roles and parts and very well and I would mind working with them again in the future and have to say I loved recording the final show I hope to get a good grade on it.

Reflect – task 3

Looking back there are some parts I wish we could of worked on better for example make sure everything was right and correct before recording our show and didn’t have the problem we had faced during recording the show would of looked better and organized.

Another thing I want to look back on is the time we had I feel if I we had a bit more time to get things right and organized maybe the show would be a lot cleaner and better however I am happy with how everything turned out in the end and happy to have it all recorded and done and over with at least and I like I said I am very proud of my team for working so hard on our project together

Overall Reflection

Overall after looking back at the project I have to say I loved every element of it I loved doing the research , planning , production and so much more especially the graphics design I loved doing every single part of it and stuff and have to say this was the most enjoyable part of the course and would love to do all over again if I had the option.

However there a lot of stuff that could have been improved on before the final show and a bit more of an understanding of what we needed to do and stuff but I loved working on every element despite the problems we had and I’m so happy of how things turned out even though we had issues most shows have issues so it was to be expected however i think were all happy with how everything turned out and i would not mind working with my group in the future considering how we all worked on our roles together and worked as a team.

one more thing id like to talk discuss even though we only had certain amount of time i think we all took our time from start to finish and i think we all did well in my group and worked together in class and online working to get stuff right and ready for the final broadcast overall we did very well and thats what i think overall about this project as a whole.

The Star Show final video

here is the final broadcast of the star show there were many errors and stuff but ive kept it in under advice from my tutor im so proud of how it all turned out.

I confirm that the attached assessment is all my own work and does not include any work completed by anyone other than myself and sources have been appropriately referenced.