Task 2 Podcast – Planning & Production

Different Types of Microphones

There are four different types of microphones that people use to either record , interview or do podcast with these microphones are used so that people can understand what the people are saying and can hear them loud & clear these are.

Dynamic Microphones

Large Diaphram Microphones

Small Diaphram Microphones

Ribbon Microphones

Dynamic Microphones

Dynamic mics are usually pretty handy and can be used on a variety of different resources. And they tend to be cheaper, record less dialogue and can be great for both close mixing and mixing things from afar.

What can they be used for

A dynamic microphone can be used for live performances , asking questions , hosting an event the microphone is simple and easy to use.

Large Diaphragm Condensers

Large Diaphragm Condensers or LDC mics are often the best choice to record vocals for sing and they can record a bunch of detail and nuance but can be fragile and pricey. Both Large and Small Diaphragm condensers microphones usually will need to require their own power source or phantom power from a mic preamp or audio interface but it depends on the type of source the microphone uses.

What can LDC microphones be good for

LDC microphones can be used for to record vocals of a singer or for when records something with their voice for example a podcast , they can also be used to capture certain noises and details when you need to.

Small Diaphragm Condensers

Small Diaphragm Condensers are similar to large condenser microphones but not the same. The SDC microphone will capture a lot of detail but you might use a Small Diaphragm condenser to mic a source at a distance of a couple feet or more. They are great for capturing the sound of a certain room or a collection of sounds in fine and clear details.

What can an SDC microphone be used for

Unlike LDC microphones an SDC microphone can be used for a lot more things such as for example studio mics , playing an acoustic guitar for a music video and recording live vocals and can also be used in a room for streaming and recording videos on overall can be used on a few things mainly.

Ribbon Mics

A ribbon mic  can be thought of as somewhere between a condenser mic and a dynamic mic. They can be great on everything from vocals to drum overheads depending on the particular ribbon mic the person uses most musicians use these to record music and audio.

What can ribbon mics be used for

Ribbon mics can be used for music mainly for example guitar , drum , piano and vocals other people use ribbon microphones to record audio for an audiobook and many more.

Podcast Plan

Here is a small plan of what I will be doing for my podcast in this plan I will discussing the subjects for my 15 minute podcast and why I will be talking about them in a few brief sentences and why it is important to discuss them

1 – Music & Introduction – 2 minutes

For the podcast I will start of by playing some calm and relaxing music for about 20 seconds before starting my introduction to the podcast where I will introduce myself and the podcast and also give a quick overview of the subjects I will be discussing in the podcast ideally the introduction will be around 2 minutes and will be quick and brief.

2- What is graphics design – 4 minutes

For the first part of my podcast I will be discussing about what graphics design is why its one of my important parts of the film and tv industry I will discuss some stuff about graphics design like what it is about , why it is one of biggest parts when it comes to the film & tv industry. This part of the podcast will last 4 minutes and giving this information out will give listeners knowledge about graphics design and understand why graphics design is more important than ever in the ever growing industry of film and tv.

3- What got me into graphics design – 4 minutes

For the second part of my podcast I will be talking about what got me into graphics design and the inspirations behind why I got into it I will talk about why college introduced me to loads of new stuff and things I never knew before I joined college. The reason I am discussing this in my podcast is so I can provide the listener with a little backstory about why I got into graphics design. This part of the podcast will last 4 minutes .

4- Why people should get into graphics design – 4 minutes

For the third and final main part I will be discussing why people should get into graphics design the reason I will be discussing this is because there lots of jobs available in the graphics industry and not many people are taking up the jobs despite it being a big part of the film & tv and also talking about why companies are training people to get into the graphics industry and why it is now important than ever to get people into the industry. I think discussing will let the listener know of the many opportunities and challenges companies face every day in the industry also discussing and talking about it may get them interested into doing a career in graphics design. – this part will also last 4 minutes.

5- Outro – 1 minute

I will then close the podcast with an outro by thanking people for joining the podcast and thank them for their before the podcast closes I will ask people to follow my Instagram @bh__media_ and then finish by saying this is ‘’bailey haggan and this is the graphical podcast’’.

I will be using my plan for my podcast and this will help come up with the script for my podcast and I think discussing these will key for my podcast as it reflects on the current employment situation and I think my podcast will reach the graphic designer audience that I am targeting.

I have planned this podcast using inspiration from this webpage I used this to create my podcast structure to help me plan and create the podcast they way I wanted to (note – some of the work has been taken from this webpage but mostly is my own written work).



Production Code – 0002

The Team

Presenter – Bailey Haggan

Writer – Bailey Haggan

Producer – Bailey Haggan

Script Editor / Editor – Bailey Haggan

Subjects & Topics – Length 15 Minutes

Block 1- Music &Introduction

Block 2 – What is graphics design

Block 3 – What got me into graphics design

Block 4 – Why people should get into graphics design

Block 5 – Outro & Ending

Block 1 – Introduction

Bailey – Hello everyone and welcome to the graphical podcast and my name is Bailey Haggan and I will be your host for this weeks show thank you all for tuning in and taking time out of your day to listen to my podcast.

Bailey – In this weeks show I will be discussing with you about what graphic design is then we will then be discussing about what got me intographics designand finally I will be discussing with you why people should get into graphics design.

Bailey – now without further a do lets get straight into The Graphical Podcast

Block 2 – What is graphics design

Bailey – so for the first topic today is what is graphics design well on the graphical we discuss graphics design and for those wondering what is graphics design

Bailey well what it is basically graphics design is where you design some something online using images , text , audio  from a wide variety of resources and you use them to create in something called Adobe Photoshop or Adobe After Effects

Bailey and most graphics designers use this software to create something for a product or a company and graphics design can also be used in TV & Film and its

Bailey because if it wasn’t for graphics design we wouldn’t get the big budget films from star wars & the avengers series we wouldn’t of gotten those films or many films at all if it wasn’t for graphics design so that is what graphics design basically is in the advertising and film & tv industries and that’s what graphic design is all about

Block 3 – Why I love graphics design

Bailey – Now that I discussed what is graphics design its time I talk personally about why I love graphics and my inspirations behind why I love it are.

Bailey – So the reason I love graphics design is because I really love the sheer enjoyment of designing and creating stuff using photoshop  because on photoshop they have really creative tools and they help me to create the best logos basically and it never gives me any problems does photoshop even though it does now and again its still something I love to work on and is one of the many reasons I love graphics design.

Bailey- But personally the main reason I love graphics design is because there is loads of stuff that I am able to create all thanks to technology because if it wasn’t for the technological advancements of today I wouldn’t be here today talking about graphics design if it wasn’t for technology

Bailey – but mainly the true and honest reason I like graphics design is because I am able to create personal & promotional stuff for people and companies and designing the stuff for them and doing that gives me a sense of enjoyment when doing something graphics related and that is why I love graphics design.

Block 4 – Why people should get into graphics design

Bailey – Now for the final part of the discussion I will now be discussing why people should get into graphics design.

Bailey – Okay so the reason I think people should get into graphics design is because there are many jobs within the graphics & media industry that are not being filled in this moment in time and I think more people should get into graphics design because there are many benefits for when it comes to graphics design for example working in film & tv working with companies and sometimes the opportunity to work from home.

Bailey – However despite the many roles there are in the graphics industry there are not many people taking up the roles because for example it could either be due the long work hours or mainly not many people are studying graphics design at the moment and it because of this some companies are training people to work in the graphics industry and work for their companies.

Bailey – I think the reason why we need more people is because loads of graphics designers go to work and then after a few years they go self-employed and that is putting an impact for the film industry that’s why I think these problems are causing the big issues in the graphics industry at this moment in time.

Bailey – so whether it is a small hobby for people I think it’s a good idea to have a look at the many careers at what the graphics industry has to offer and whether it’s a hobby or just for fun maybe consider getting a role in the industry whether if its big or small a role in the graphics design will help decrease the problem but not solve it and that’s why people should get involved in the industry.

Block 5 – Ending

Bailey – and that brings an end to this edition of the graphical podcast I really hope you enjoyed this edition as much as I have recording it and all that’s left to say is thank you for watching the graphical podcast.

script research – https://www.nyfa.edu/student-resources/how-to-master-the-structure-of-script-writing/ &

how to write a script – https://lowerstreet.co/how-to/write-podcast-script


Equipment & Recording

For my podcast i am going to be using the condenser microphone to record my voice for the podcast that i am working on and i will be recording it in a large tv studio within the college,


Editing – please open the blue links to view the images

so here are some screenshots of the editing process i did for my podcast by taking these screenshots i am able to provide evidence of the editing process and to show off each stage of editing from start to finish.

in this screenshot i added the audio to the podcast as you can see in the green bar and that’s the audio i will be using for my podcast

for this screenshot i have added the title card for my podcast and the title card will be played throughout the whole video of my podcast.

in this screenshot i have added the theme music for my podcast you can see i added the music by the difference of the audio waves at the start and end of my podcast.

in this screenshot i added an effect at the start of the podcast to make titles fade in with blocks i think adding the effect would make the podcast stood out and unique.

podcast audio – here is the intro & outro music for my podcast i feel using this music would make my podcast look better than it already is and this music gives a good funky vibe for my podcast. Sourced From – royalty free music

PODCAST – the graphical podcast

here is the finished podcast for my project it is five minutes in length and on my podcast i talk about what is graphics design , why i love graphics design and why people should get into graphics design i am overall happy with how things turned out with the finished podcast