Project 4 – Task 1 – Final Major Project Ideas & Presentation

for the final major project we are allowed to do whatever we want for example we can make either a short film , documentary , posters , podcast , a tv show or an advert unlike last year which had a theme this year there is no theme involved which means i am not limited into what i want to create and stuff and on this page i will write down the research and ideas that i come up with for the final major project that i am working on.

here is a mindmap of some of the ideas that i have come up with i have come up with these ideas of what i want to actually do , some basic and simple ideas , and ideas that i have come up with however i wouldnt actually use i am going to narrow whats on the mindmap to three ideas and eventually narrow it down to one final idea and work on it for my FMP.

here are the three ideas that i have narrowed down and will be using

Idea 1

for the first of three of my ideas for my final major project is create a documentary about what it is like being autistic in Bradford in the documentary i will talk about my personal experiences of being autistic and growing up in Bradford and how i was treated in schools in my documentary.

Also i will discuss with others who are also autistic and ask them about there personal experiences with autism and what was it like in schools and growing up in Bradford i will also interview some support workers who support students with autism and what its like for them supporting kids and adults with autism.

In my documentary i will discuss and talk about the SEND system in Bradford and why its failing kids with autism and other disabilities and why its needs fixing and discuss this issue with a member of Bradford council and ask them what they are doing to try to improve and solve the issues that kids and adults with autism and Disabilities that they have with the SEND system.

Strengths – the reason i am making this documentary is to raise awareness of the growing problem kids and adults with disabilities face every day in Bradford as a person who is autistic and has suffered from the failing SEND system in Bradford and why the issue needs fixing and by raising awareness i want to make parents and young adults aware of the problems that autistic people face everyday in the city of Bradford.


for the weaknesses of my documentary is that i probably wont be able to get many people involved with this documentary i have a few people in mind in who i want to interview however it might be hard to find someone from Bradford Council to interview despite this i think despite the bumps in the road i think i will be able to make it even if the documentary is missing a few things as long if its not any of the key main elements.


for the opportunities i am presenting the opportunity to for people to talk about there personal experiences with autism as it will teach the viewer how people with autism see the world differently to how the viewer sees the world and how autistic people understand things differently compared to others.

i also want the documentary to show people with autism can cope in quite and calm environments and why autistic people need the attention and let the viewer know that autistic people have a different perspective to life than others without autism that is the opportunity my documentary will have when its released.


one thing that threatens the documentary is it getting accidentally wiped off and all the hard work would go to waste and would not have anything for my FMP and would fail and another threat is losing my guest at short notice and have to find a replacement with limited time those are the things that threaten the documentary if it goes ahead.

Idea 2 – make a podcast about the film & tv industry in Bradford

for my next idea i want to make a podcast about the film and tv industry in Bradford the reason i want to make one is because there has been an increase of tv shows & films being filmed in the city of Bradford and why they are choosing Bradford to film tv shows and movies in the city and would discuss this with a local film maker from Bradford and ask them questions about what is like being a film maker in Bradford and also ask them if Bradford deserves the city of culture title in 2025 and does Bradford deserve the unesco city of film award.

Strengths – i had experience in creating and doing podcast creating two in the past where i talked about autism and graphics design and with my previous experience i think i can create a podcast that everyone in Bradford can and are able to understand

Weaknesses – for the weaknesses is finding the facts i need to create the podcast and finding a guest willing to do the podcast with me another issue is finding the time and date to record depending on the availability of the guest speaker.

Opportunities – for the opportunities i will be able to learn new things about film and tv from the guest speaker and what opportunities i can gain from the experience by doing this podcast.

Threats – i don’t think theres any major threats however potentially losing the guest at short notice will cause problems and losing the recording slot to record my podcast.

Idea 3 – talk show about the gaming industry

for my final idea i want to do a talk show about the gaming industry and why it is booming and in my talk show i would debate with my guest if or not should exclusive games that are only available on a certain console should be released to all consoles another thing that i want to discuss on my talk show is which gaming company is better at releasing exclusive games playstation , xbox or nintendo and for my last discussion point i will discuss with my guest about what is there earliest gaming memory for example there first game or there first console and why that is and those are the discussion points for my talk show.


for the strengths i have a lot of knowledge about gaming as i have played on all systems and have previous experience creating games and playing them so i have a good idea of what i am talking about for my show when it comes to it being produced.


for the weaknesses i have to say the weakness has to be if the guest dosen’t have a clue of what i am about and do not actually know much about gaming thats one of the weaknesses i will face another weakness is that if the guest talks over me and it would ruin the tv show causing issues when its released.


for the opportunities i am giving the opportunities for the viewer to know alot more about gaming and give them the knowledge about other peoples taste in gaming and what games or on what console and the opportunity to learn new things about the gaming industry and why its more important than ever to know about it.


now there are two major threats when it comes to making a talk show the first issue would be losing the tv studio due to either issues with the crew or the guest or technical problems on the day of the shoot and the major threat is losing my guest at short notice and not being able to find new guest in time for the shoot if they are available or not.

here is my presentation for my fmp project

Evaluation – FMP presentation bailey

How do I think my presentation went

For me I think my presentation went really well I presented my presentation stood up and showed it off I talked about what I am doing for my FMP which is a gaming talk show and I felt I did really well presenting the presentation and im overall happy with how it went however I think I could presented a bit less information and could of added a lot more images.

What could of I improved with the presentation

With the feedback I was given the most common answer was that I included a bit too much information and that I could of lessened the wording a bit and could of remembered what I was saying a bit more so maybe reducing the information would of made the presentation clearer in my opinion.

Another thing I could of improved on is adding more images to the presentation to give the audience a bit more of an understanding of my project if I added a bit more images with the project to make it better and it could of stood out a bit more

how can i solve the issues with my fmp

first of all the one thing i can solve is the crew i will see if they are available on the day of the shoot which is either between March 29th-31st and i want to make sure that they enough time to assist with the equipment and are able to assist with the camera’s on the day of the shoot if some are not available i will use some staff members to assist with the shoot on the day. if anyone is not available i will change it into a podcast.

another issue i need to solve is how to make my talk show interesting on the day of the shoot i will bring in some gaming equipment of mine such as my DS , some ps4 games and a couple of gaming magazines i will also ask my guest to bring in some of his/her gaming stuff on the day of the shoot as well and use the props by presenting to the audience and showing it off by doing this i think my audience will stay for the whole show and learn the things of the gaming industry.

those are the issues that i will solve if there are problems with my talk show.


looking back at my presentation I would probably say a lot more work probably would have been needed I could of added a couple of more slides and I should of added more images however I really enjoyed making the presentation however I could of went back and made it a bit less wordy and detailed despite that I enjoyed making it however I don’t think I will be up to making another presentation anytime soon.