Strengths and Weakness

My strength and weaknesses: Through out the course I have done a lot stuff regarding the research, practical and evaluation sides for each project/component Games, film, graphics and sound. For the film sides what I have done is multiple film experimentation. However I am really good at the practical sides when filming because I can share my ideas with others when working in a group, for the research parts of the film projects is that I am ok at it because sometimes I struggle at looking and finding different sources for more information. To improve this I can look at different clips of different movies and use them as source material for more information and further enhance this by getting info on how they did it. For the evaluation side of the film’s project I am good at because I can talk about the pros and cons of the experiments that I did and also talk about how things could be different if I were to do the experimentations again.

Games: From the games section I am really good at the research because I can get information on how games are developed and looking at each component like films, graphics and sound. However for the practical side when making the game, I was ok but not that good because I kept on struggling on how to make the game and the tutorial I looked at was the platformer, basically learning how to make platformer game however I did manage to get through it by making a game level design. To improve I can take my time learning each steps of the tutorial and practicing to get better. For the evaluation sides of the project I was good at because I could just talk about what I did to make the game and how I did it and in what areas I can improve upon if I were to do the project again.

Graphics: When doing the graphics sides of this course I was doing research on different artist. I wasn’t that good at doing the research element for the graphics sides because The different artist I looked up while doing the research there wasn’t that much information I could find or look at any sources because the artist I looked up weren’t that popular. But to improve this I can try and look for more artist and research about them and getting more information on how they became popular and what inspired to become of what they are to this day. However for the practical/experimentation side for the graphics I was really good at because I could let my imagination go wild and come up with different ideas on how my final piece of work will turn out to be based of the artist research I did. However when it came to annotating my ideas and evaluating my final piece I was really good at because I can go in depth on how I did the project and design and what I did and adding intricate details on why I did the way I did.

Sound: For the sound design side of the course was that I did a Foley/sound design project. I was ok at doing the research task of this project because while doing the research I got a good amount information based on Foley but the problem was I was trying to look for more source material to get more information about Foley and how it is used in different medias of entertainment. However I have improved upon this by researching different things about Foley and getting information on what props they use in movies to make certain sounds for different scenes and looking at different YouTube videos on Foley and using it to get more information and also using it as more source material and references to further enhance my research about Foley. For the practical side I was really good at because I had to create different Foley sounds and I knew what equipment to use and learning how to put the sounds together into a video file and seeing which sounds that I created would work but some of the sounds that I recorded/created weren’t that useful in the end result. To improve this I could record small amount of sounds because this way it saves a lot of time and it is less time consuming and while editing the sounds and synchronising it with the video file I could use a wide range of sounds instead of using the same sound over again and balancing the different sounds so it sounds more in sync with video. However for the evaluation side for of the sound design project was that I was really good at because I could go in detail and in depth on what I did and how I did it and talking about the pros and cons of the each element of the project (research, context, experimentation/practical and evaluation) and also evaluating how different it would be if I were to do this project again and talking about what would’ve worked differently if I were to do the project again. I could also improve upon the section where I talk about the conclusion because in that section I could go more in depth and add more detail to it to further improve my conclusion and the entire evaluation as a whole.