
FMP Proposal

Rationale: This year in my course for Creative media extended I have done film, games, graphics and even an essay. The skills I with film is that I know how to shoot different shots and have different camera angles. I know how to pitch an idea for a film and I know how to edit footage by using the video editing software like Premier pro and I have also filmed B roll footage for a film production. For games I have learned how to research and analyse a game and break it down to the pre-production stages to the practical and coding side of it. I have also done a level design for a game that I have pitched and made the level design inside of unreal engine. For graphics I have made a 3D gun in photoshop using a drawing template of a gun for reference material. I have also used a bit of Adobe illustrator creating isometric buildings. in photoshop I have also made promotional material like a movie poster and added different effects like a gradient background, adding outlines and learning more of typography. I have used photoshop for bot design and using different shades of different colours and designing my own robot. For written work I have used primary and secondary research and I have done an essay based on the topic of my choosing. I have some experiences in doing interviews and writing down notes and I have experiences in doing written language when analysing posters and games and even films scenes and I have also got some experiences in references using Harvard referencing. The FMP I am going for is graphics as I have more experiences in that field and I could learn more about and it is strong suit when it comes to typography and designing my own product.

Project Concept: My Project concept is that I am going to produce a mini graphic novel consisting of 5-7 pages long and I plan to format it into a flip book. The way this FMP project is going to look is that it is going to be a flip book with a comic book esc style to it as the theme for this project is going to be superheroes but relating to the theme of this year FMP project which is Pocket Planet, as the main concept of this graphic novel is that I am going to have multiple versions of a robot that belong to their own race on different planets in space. The way this project is going to go is that I am going to create my own character which is a robot and annotate it by taking screen shots and explaining the development process. The software’s/resources I am going to use is Photoshop, Power point, Photo pea and possibly illustrator. The concept behind this project is that it’s going to be a mini graphic novel in a flipbook format with visual story telling.

Evaluation: When I start this project, I will be doing some research documenting it into a word document and referencing using Harvard referencing. I will be doing this because it will help give me more ideas and creative freedom while doing this project. As I start developing my project, I will be annotating what I did and taking screen shots. I will be doing this because so I know what I have done to and it also helps me progress further in the project. when it comes to the evaluation, I will be doing that at the end of my project when it’s finalised and I will go over the pros and cons on what went well and what didn’t go so well and what I could’ve done differently to improve if I were to do it again as part of my conclusion.