Personality types

Strength and Weakness/16 personality

Personality type: Assertive defender

My personality type is that I am an assertive defender meaning my actions and attitude guide me in life.

Defenders strength: My strengths as an defender is that I share my knowledge and experience to help others and those who need it and I am also willing to strive and win and encouraging others to do the same and choosing empathy over judgement. I also agree to the fact That I am patient as a defender because When doing a task/project I like to take a steady approach and think about how I am going to tackle the task/project and thinking about the pros and cons and also when doing the task set and required I intend go further enhance my work and go beyond to achieve the highest goal there is possible. As a assertive defender I am very creative and imaginative mind set and very observant by looking at and listening to other people ideas if I were to ever work in a group I could look at their perspective and views. I also agree that I can be enthusiastic because as an assertive defender I tend to make people’s day by either making them laugh or having a interesting conversation that lightens a persons mood if they are feeling a bit down. I agree that I am also hard working because If a task is set I tend to work hard at the best of my ability and dedicate myself to it.

Defenders Weakness: As an assertive defender I agree that I am humble and shy. I am humble because when working on a task with a group of people I tend to take little recognition or taking all the credits for my self. I am also shy because I am usually quite in public places and I don’t communicate with other people that I am not familiar with. However I disagree with the fact that I don’t take things personally because as an defender I sometimes ignore negative comments from people that don’t like me. I ignore this because it can be childish comments and I tend to move on instead of dealing with it. Further more as an assertive defender I do agree with the fact that I am sensitive and tend to keep certain things private in my life if it’s dealing with issues I have and problems I need to sort on my own accord or dealing with family issues. I also disagree with the fact that I have a strong sense of perfection. As a defender I don’t try to make everything perfect, instead I set my own targets and goals instead of focusing on others. However I do agree that I am altruistic meaning that as a assertive defender I have wonderful quality’s like being warm, light hearted and having good nature. Even when going through difficult times I tend to think things can get better soon as I tend to let things slide and staying strong and positive in the most difficult times helping those who are in need.