initial Ideas

Mind Map

Initial Ideas

Comic book covers: For my first initial idea for my final project is to make comic book covers with a certain character. The way this project would go is that I would research different comic book covers mainly from Marvel and DC and maybe other indie comic companies and then create ideas and make a final cover. When researching different comic covers I could look at different sub genres and see which stands out more.

Bot Poster: Much like my first idea this one is similar but it is poster. The theme for this would also be comic book but also relating to theme of pocket planet as in this poster there will multiple races of bot through out the cosmos.

Comic collage: For my third final project idea is to produce a collage. The theme for this would also be comic related but also relating to the theme of pocket planet as there would be multiple character from different cultures.

X-men voice over documentary: For my fourth initial idea for my final major project would be a a documentary mainly based on the X-men. This could work in a way because it relates to the theme of the FMP which is Pocket planet. The way this would work is that I could do research about the X-men as they are diverse and grounded in reality as they deal with social and ethical views and with this info I could use as a voice over documentary.

Mini Graphic novel: For my fifth initial idea for my final project is to do a . graphics novel. The way this would go is that I can look a different graphic novels from the superhero genre and I could create my own character and make a little short story out of it like a graphic novel. The pages in this book could be 5 or even 7 as it is a short story. This also will be evolving around the theme of Pocket Planet which is the theme of this years FMP.