
Video/film production

What is Video production:

Video production is basically filming raw footage and then editing the footage. This process includes all elements of filmmaking like pre-production like (research, planning, pitch, and story boards) 

Types of shots:

  • Wide shot 
  • Long shot
  • Close up shot
  • Medium shot
  • Extreme close upshot

Wide shot: A wide shot is a shot that shows more of the environment and characters and to establish the environment to a wider scale as well as the location to see where the story is taking place.

Long shot: A long shot is a shot that shows all the environment, and it helps the viewer/audience a sense as where the character is in the movie. It also emphasises on furthermore in the scene to show what is happening.

Mid shot: Mid shot is medium shot that shows the waist up shot of a person and to also place the subject in context. The problems with mid shots is that they don’t show much as details compared to other shots and it gives more details more on the background.

Close up shot: Close up shot is a shot that transitions to a longshot from a single subject to more than one subject/person. This is because is to show that every shot is important and gives the audience on a clear idea on what’s going on. close up shots also do focuses more on the subject more. 90% of the shots that are used are people’s heads and not their body to show more expression and emotion. When having a close up shot you want to show the characters emotion because it emphasises on what’s happening in the scene. When doing a close up shot you need to include your shoulders because it adds more detail to instead of having a floating head.

Extreme close up shot: Extreme close-up shot is basically a shot that is more focused on the facial features to show the intensity of a character and also to show what emotions they are feeling and to convey the audiences on what’s happening. ECU is also used to shoot a certain shot to foreshadow in the story. This is effective because it helps the audience to understand for what’s to come in the story. 

Camera angels: 

Types of camera angels:

  • Low angel
  • High angel
  • Birds eye angel
  • Point of view angel
  • Over the shoulder angel
  • Dutch angel

Low angel: Low angels is a camera angel that seems dominant and powerful. Low camera angel are mainly used in horror movies to show the monster/person lurking and having the camera at a low angel. This works because it shows the intensity of the scene.

High angel: High angel is type of shot of camera angel that is shot from above and to show use of dominance or passive. If it’s shot at a eye level then it shows neutral. High angel is shot from a high level and give the effect of timid and subordinate.

Birds eye view angel: Birds eye view is a angel that is a combination of a wide shot and a high angel to give the viewer a sense of the environment and to show more of the location of the story. Birds eye view also oversees everything in a location.

POV angel: POV angel is a camera angel that is used to be recorded from the point of view from a character.

Over the shoulder: OTS is a angel that is used to be recorded from behind the character but focuses on the main subject.

Dutch angel: Dutch angel is used for a video recording that is slanted by tilting to on side. This is used because the effects it has to show madness, unrest and disorientation to show what the character is feeling and emphasis on the character and location.

Film analysis

Movie: Dr strange
  Director: Scott Derickson
  Scene: Collapse of New York
               (City fight)

Scene summary: In this scene it takes place in New York where kaecillius and his zealots are breaking reality as well as bending the city of New York as they also have trapped Dr strange and Baron Mordo in the mirror dimension and trying to kill them. 

What shots/camera angels are used in this scene?  

In the beginning section of scene the shots that are used are mid shot. This is used to show the audience the main characters and the location of the scene. Furthermore it cuts to the main characters as it is still the same shot but of them running and as it zooms out and then back in, we get a mid-shot which then cuts to a close up shot of the main characters. This is effective because it gives you an idea on what the characters doing and leaves the audience asking what’s going on. the camera angels that are used are birds eye view when you have dr strange running through the streets of New York. This is angel works because it gives you more of the environment and the location that the characters are in. Furthermore the next shot is used is a close up shot of Baron mordo and Dr strange as they run. This shot shows emotions and it conveys what the characters are feeling. This is then cut to a longshot of kaecillius and his zealots running. This helps the audience see more of the environment and the trippy visual effects. Going further into the scene we have a long shot that shows all of the characters in one frame but the camera angel that is used is a Dutch angel. The reason for this type of angel that is used is because is to give more of a idea on what’s happening to the city of new York and it is effective because it makes the audience feel disorientation and as the city is bending giving more depth and madness of the scene. 

As the scene progresses, we stick to the same camera angel to show the more of the city as it also transitions to a wide shot and then zooms in to show the other characters. As this happens it changes to the Dutch angel to show the madness of the scene and then changes to a low angel with wide shot of the characters running and more of the environment as the building is bending. The shot changes and focuses on dr strange and baron mordo running up the building and the camera changing the angel to a POV. This is effective because it gives the audience a point of view perspective and to have more sense like if they were there in the movie.  The movie then transitions to a mid-shot of kaecillius bending the building as it transitions a wide shot with a low angel of the building ripping apart in two. This works because it’s to give the audience more idea on how trippy this scene is on a wider scale. The camera angel then switches to a bird’s eye view angel as dr strange and mordo are falling which then cuts to a wide shot with the same camera angel of the entire city of New York folding inward. This is effective because it gives more of the trippy visual of entire city. The shot then cuts to a mid shot of the city bending to give more visual of the environment and the angel changing to a Dutch angel to emphasise more on the madness on the scene. The shot is then cut to wide shot of the entire city to give more of an idea on how bad the situation is.

Furthermore as the scene goes on the camera shifts focus on to the main characters with a close up shot dr strange. This is to show on how he is feeling of his emotions and to further show on how bad the situation is as it also gives more depth on how the characters is feeling in this situation they are within the story. The camera is then cut to the main characters falling through the city of New York with a wide shot. This is to give more visual of the environment they are in. as the characters are falling, we get wide ranges of camera angels like low angels to show hopelessness and a over angel to show dominance. The camera cuts to a long shot with dr strange running away from the zealots which is then cut to close up shot. This is to show the emotion on how the characters are feeling and the intensity of the scene and situation. We then get more mid shots of the characters running and then the camera cuts changes on different characters instead of changing. This is to show how busy the scene is and to show what each character is doing. 

As the scene progresses, we have a high angel of dr strange falling through as well as having tracking shot to make the audience like they are there. The camera then cuts to a long shot of kaecillius and more of the environment as the camera follows him running towards dr strange with camera angel changing to a Dutch angel to show unrest of these characters. Furthermore the camera is cut to mid shot of the two characters and then cuts to a close up shot to show the intensity which is then cut back to mid shot to show more drama in the scene. As the scene follows the scene is then focused on kaecillius with a close up shot as it slowly shows a mid-shot as it includes the zealots and then switches to a wide shot of city in ruins. This is to show the madness and trippy visuals of the scene. The camera is then cut back to a mid-shot of kaecillius with a over the shoulder angel as another the camera knows a the ancient appears in the scene.


City fight analysis


  • Disney Wiki. 2021. Doctor Strange (film). [online] Available at: <> [Accessed 15 September 2021].
  • 2021. City fight and Stan Lee cameo. [online] Available at: <> [Accessed 15 September 2021].

Movie: Justice league war

Year: 2014

Director: Jay Oliva

Scene: Darkseid arrival

Scene summary: in this scene many of earths heroes have gathered together to stop the invasion of earth as the one being who is called Darkseid is coming to earth to take over and take away the human species and turning them in to soldiers known as parademons.

In the beginning of the scene there are multiple shots and angels shown more specifically mid, close up and wide shots. These shots are shown to us convey what each character is doing and what expressions they are showing. We get other shot like wide shots of the parademons flying away with the humans. After this we get a mid-group shot of league with a low angel. This is shown because is to show what is happening as batman explains not just to the other characters but to the audience as a whole. The scene then switches to a close up shot of the flash telling the other members of the league that the invasion is not just happening around the city but around the world.

The scene then continues on with a wide shot of the parademons circling around water. The scene is then cut to a close up shot of cyborg telling us that he has arrived, as the scene is then switches to another wide shot of darksied as he is revealed with a low angel. This is done to show the audience how big the threat is and also shows that the character of darkseid is a lot more intimidating. The scene switches to a low angels shot to show how dominant and intimidating he is and we also have wide shot of darksied making his way to the city of metropolis. We then get a mid-shot of superman, batman and green lantern to show the audience their reaction on the threat level.

Furthermore, as the scene is coming to an end, we transition to close up shots of planes charging and firing missiles at darksied. We quick close up shot of darkseid which then transitions to a mid-tracking shot of darksied using his omega beams destroying the planes. This shows how powerful darkseid is and how threatening he is and it also shows the threat level of darkseid to the audience. The scene is then turned to a close up shot of the flash showing his reaction as he is worried. We then get a wide shot of darkseid making his closer to the city and having a heavy presence.


  • Rotten Tomatoes. 2021. Justice League: War Pictures. [online] Available at: <> [Accessed 15 December 2021]. 2021. I am Darkled (Arrival) | Justice League: War. [online] Available at: <> [Accessed 15 December 2021].

Darkseid arrival analysis
1,2,3 edit

Film poster analysis

Spiderman Far from home

This is a poster of Spiderman far from home featuring the main character of Spiderman. This image shows the main character in a pose and the whole image looks very bright as it emphasizes the tone of the movie. The type of poster is that this is a superhero poster as the image and the main character that is shown is very heroic. The colours that are used are red, blue and black and grey. The most dominant colour that is used is red as it most recognizable and it conveys the main character. The title of this movie poster is called Spiderman far from home and the idea behind the title and poster is to show that Spiderman is far from home because the environment that he is in conveys that he is in another country and not in his home city New York. 

Sonic the Hedgehog

The images that are shown is a movie poster of sonic the hedgehog as it includes the character of sonic and doctor Robotnik. The type of movie poster this shows is that it’s comedy as it shows the goofiness of character sonic as being friendly and funny and it is also action and adventure as it the poster shows mini explosion of drones in the background. The colour that shows in this poster are blue, red and yellow.  The blue and red correspond the theme of the characters as sonic is shown as protagonist and doctor Robotnik as red conveying an evil and sinister look. The most dominant colour of the poster is blue as it is more recognizable and shows the main character as sonic is the first thing the audience see. The idea behind this poster is to show the story sonic from another world and there are others out there who are after as the golden ring is shown as a portal.  

The Dark Knight Rises

This is a movie poster of the dark knight rises featuring the main character of batman with a sun in the background. The type of poster of this shows that it’s dark and gritty and the genre of this movie is superhero, action and adventure. The colours that have been is black, red and yellow. The red. Is for background of the poster the yellow is for the sun. the most dominant colour is black because it represents batman as he is a recognizable and main character. In the poster it shows batman as a shadowy figure the type of media of art. Style that has been used is paint to further emphasize the grittiness of the character and to show overall how grounded in reality this movie is. They yellow in the background used for the sun as it is behind the main character of the movie and gives the title of the movie more of an idea about the character.


The image that is shown here is the movie poster of split showing the main character Kevin. Thetype of image and genre this poster shows is thriller, drama, as this movie poster gives darker and thrilling tone to the movie. The colour that has been used is a light tone brown for the background to make the character important and black to show the Dark nature of the main character. The colour is used to show the silhouette of the main character and to further emphasize the multiple personality disorder as it shows multiple silhouettes. This works effectively because the idea behind the poster and the movie title split is to show multiple personality of the main character of Kevin hence the movie title name split.

Captain America civil war 

This image is a poster of captain America civil war as it features the main characters like captain America and ironman and multiple character. The type of poster and genre this shows is superhero, action and adventure and thriller as the poster shows a darker tone. The colours that have been used in this are red, blue, black and grey. The most dominant colours that are shown is blue and red to show the importance of the two main characters which being captain America and ironman. The tone of the colours convey is very dark as it emphasizes mood and tone of film and the idea of the movie showing different sides for each character.


•Frevele, J., 2021. Spidey Swings Around Europe in New International Posters for ‘Spider-Man: Far From Home’. [online] Marvel Entertainment. Available at: <> [Accessed 23 September 2021].

the playroom, i., 2021. Sonic The Hedgehog Movie Printables. [online] In The Playroom. Available at: <> [Accessed 23 September 2021].

• 2021. CAT Films: Captain America Civil War. [online] Available at: <> [Accessed 23 September 2021].

Film narrative

There are different types of film narratives

  • Linear- having the story play out in chronological order
  • Non-linear- the story plays out in multiple way such as having backlashes during the story
  • Multistrand- having multiple story lines in one movie

Knives out

Year: 2019

Director: Ryan Johnson

This movie is a murder mystery and its narrative for story telling is non-linear as you get a sense of each character’s motivation and action throughout the plot of the movie. For example, when the detective is interviewing or starts questioning each member of the family, they have a flashback for each character’s action on the day the murder was committed and how it was done but yet having a main goal as the movie ends with the killer being revealed.


Year: 2016

Director: Tim Miller

Deadpool is a comic book movie based on the character of Deadpool aka wade Wilson. The narrative for this movie also focuses on a non-linear approach for the plot as the character of Deadpool origin is shown through past and present tense. For example, when the movie opens up, we are in the present day and as the scene progresses it jumps to the past of wade Wilson and how he was before becoming a mercenary.

Home Alone

Director: Chris Columbus

Year: 1990

home alone is a movie about a boy who is home alone and is left by his family during the season of Christmas. The narrative that the movie follows is a linear narrative as the story is told in a chronological order and doesn’t have flashbacks. As the movie starts the movie introduces the audience to Kevin as a character and his family members and how each of them is like in terms of attitude and personality and as this happens Kevin is left home alone and has to deal with two burglars who try to attempt to rob the house.

Flashpoint paradox

Year: 2013

Director: Jay Oliva

flashpoint paradox is animated dc movie that focuses on the multistrand narrative because the movie has its goal and the goal and storyline is that the flash/Barry Allen goes back in time to save his mother but in doing so he creates an alternate timeline where multiple stories are told at once that are similar to the original but are different. For example, Bruce Wayne’s dad Thomas Wayne becomes batman and wants to take revenge for the death of his son and his wife Martha Wayne becomes the joker. As this is happening the Atlanteans and Amazonian join as one alliance but it is short lived as wonder women kills aqua man wife and they start a war a with each other.

Vladimir Propp theory of characters

There are 8 types of characters in a film

The hero- saves the day

The villain- the enemy of the hero

The donor- give the hero something example weapons or knowledge

The dispatcher/messenger- pass the messages to the hero

The false hero- fake on being the hero

The helper- the helper is a side character the helps the main character

The princess- the damsel in distress

The father- gives respect/blessing

Movie: Spiderman Homecoming

Year: 2017

Director: Jon Watts

Summary: peter parker is Spider man who tries to balance his superhero and normal life. This movie uses the Vladimir Propp theory in a unique way. The Vladimir Propp theory the use of characters in movies. For example, you have the main character/hero who is peter parker/spider man, there other types of characters like the helper and dispatcher like ned who is a close friend of peter parker who helps him in certain situation and is a type of messenger is well as he gives peter info throughout the movie. There are also the doner who is the A.I Karen who guides perter through different situation and gives him knowledge and weapons, as there are also the princess who is Liz a girl that peter is interested in and the there is also the villain who is the vulture, a threat/enemy to peter parker and the father who is also the villain as the movie progresses you find out whose Liz dad is which turns out to be the villain of the movie but at the same time also giving peter’s respect as he saves his life at the end of the movie.

Vladimir Propp theory character use Spider man

  • The hero- Peter Parker/Spider man
  • The villain- the Vulture
  • The donor- A.I Karen
  • The Dispatcher/messenger- Ned
  • The helper- Ned
  • The princess- Liz
  • The father- Adrian Tooms/the Vulture


  • 2021. Knives out. [online] Available at: <> [Accessed 1 October 2021].
  • 2021. Deadpool. [online] Available at: <> [Accessed 1 October 2021].
  • 2021. Home Alone. [online] Available at: <> [Accessed 1 October 2021].
  • 2021. Justice League: The Flashpoint Paradox – Wikipedia. [online] Available at: <> [Accessed 1 October 2021].
  • 2021. Spider man homecoming. [online] Available at: <> [Accessed 1 October 2021].

Visual language/linguistic codes

Codes: Codes are system of sign which create meaning. Codes can be divided into four categories which allow us to identify the elements in our attempts to decode the intentions of a film.

SWAT coding:

  • Symbolic coding
  • Written codes (any texts)
  • Audio codes (any sound)
  • Technical codes

Technical codes: TC are codes are any kind of codes that is embedded with props and equipment.

Symbolic codes: Symbolic codes are cultural symbols embedded in the mis en scene. Symbolic codes are codes that create a deeper meaning in a scene in different ways like focusing in objects or the character traits/motivation and arc and others like the setting and environment.

Audio codes: Audio codes are codes that concern all that is heard, such as background, noise, voice over, music, dialogue, sounds, sounds effect etc. Divided into diegetic and non-diegetic sound. The choice of what technical codes to use when filming is critical in the production of meaning.

Written/linguistic codes: Written codes are codes that show signs in a movie like a danger sign. For example, in horror movie they will use this as danger signs and in thriller they will use as a mystery signs and messages like clues and riddles to have the audience invested in the scene.

Film pitch Idea

By Zakaria Khalifa

What’s your film idea?

My idea for a short film is called anonymous where a detective works to find out a murder scene that happened and tries to find out who did it and who the murder is as the killer behind is anonymous hence the name of the movie.

What genre?

The for this short film is going to be a  murder mystery as the short film is going to be about a murderer that is on the loose and it is also a thriller due to the movie having some dark tones and the movie taking a serious approach which would fit in perfectly.

The plot

The plot of the movie will be about a murderer who is one the loose and the detective will be on the investigation of the crime scene. The crime scene and incident will centre around a group of college friends as one of them is killed off and each of the surviving friends would be interrogated for questioning where each of them would give their point of view and on how the murder took place.


The plot/story of my short film is going to take a non linear approach. The reason  that it’s going to be non linear is that the scenes in my movie are going to have flashbacks when each character is giving their story/own perspective on how the crime scene took place, but my short film is also going to have simple structure beginning, middle and end.


The amount of characters I am going to have is  4-5

Character 1- would have a strong personality and is more social

Character 2- would be shy and would be anti social but would still hang around with these people

Character 3- would have a tough personality and always cocky and smart ass

Character 4 – would be the quite friend that socialises but barley hangs out with his friends Character 5 – would be the detective


The equipment I would need…




•Audio recorder

•Premiere pro- for post production

These are the equipment I could use for my film like the tripod I could use it for tracking shots. I could use the camcorder for the crime scene and I could do some foley work and add in extra sound for my film.


Movie: Knives out

Year: 2019

Director: Rian Johnson

Movie: Sherlock Holmes

Year: 2009

Director: Guy Richie

Movie: Constantine city of demons

Year: 2018

Director: Doug Murphy


As my short film is going be a murder mystery that is focused on a killer on the run, the elements and influence I could take from the movie knives out are the interrogation scenes and have each character in my film tell their perspective of the murder scene. From the movie sherlock Holmes I could take in elements like the detective work have the look of the movie dull. The influences I could take from Constantine city of demons is dark tone and the eerie score to have a thrill feel for my movie and also take other dark elements that could work for this short film.


• 2021. Knives out. [online] Available at: <> [Accessed 14 December 2021].

•Movies anywhere. 2021. Sherlock Holmes. [online] Available at: <> [Accessed 14 December 2021].

• 2021. Constantine city of demons. [online] Available at: <> [Accessed 14 December 2021].

Film Typography

Today Tommorow
Film Typography

Task review

  • Can you discuss the techniques you have used?

The techniques I have for today session is that I learnt how to do typography in photoshop and the techniques I have used is to learn how to rasterize a layer when adding a shape or adding colour. I also used the polygon tool to actually to make shape in the form of typography and also learning the technique to split and cut shapes of the letters in all different ways to make it look effective and different.

  • Could this task be useful as part of developing ideas as part of our project

Explain why?

This task could be useful for the project I am doing currently because when it comes to making a film poster, I could use the skills and techniques I have learnt today and I apply them in the near future with other projects.

  • Do you feel your experiments were successful?

Explain why

I do feel successful in my experiments because I have learned new techniques in photoshop and which I can use for other similar projects is well.

Today Tommorow poster

Plan for distribution

Our plan for distribution is to upload it to YouTube as well promoting it on social media like Instagram, twitter, Facebook etc. We could also invite other students around the college to a screening in the lecture hall D1 as well as. Having posters around the College to further promote our film.

Furthermore our plan for our short film is that we plan on releasing it on YouTube