FMP Task 1

three ideas for my fmp are.

  1. a dossier based on creatures i have made giving information on as if they were real.
  2. concept art for creatures/animals in a game
  3. a deep dive into the lore behind ark or how resurrecting prehistoric creatures will effect the world.

strengths and weaknesses

strengths for 1: i have already had some experience with this subject so it would be easier for me to get these done. weaknesses for 1: i have had little experience with the sites i will need to use.

strengths for 2: i have a decent understanding on what it will look like and what i want out of it. weaknesses for 2: i have never done concept art so it could come out very good or very bad i wouldn’t know until its done.

strengths for 3: i have a good passion for this subject so its something i would probably find easier to do. weaknesses for 3: i wouldn’t know what format to do this in and i wouldn’t know where to get my research from.

My Proposal