FMP Level 3 Ext


I am thinking of making a deep house song for my FMP as well as making promotional material. Maybe even a website for all my music. Since this is for Deershed festival maybe they could play my song at the festival. That would be amazing as when i hear other people enjoy my music it makes me proud of my work as I have put a lot of time and effort into it. Also it can bring new listeners in.



Throughout this course I have learnt many things from four different fields. Games, film, graphics and sound but what I am passionate about is sound. I love creating and learning new things in sound. When I first started this course, I knew very little of the software FL Studio. It looked very complicated to me, but I became obsessed with indulging myself with the program.​

I never knew what foley was before this course, but my teacher Lewis introduced it to me. I find it fascinating how creative people are when they are making sound effects. For example, I found that people break celery sticks to mimic the sound of breaking bones.​

When we had a task to capture foley sounds for a short video. I learnt a lot from that experience as we were in groups, so we had to work together effectively to do this we had to have good communication skills and time management.​

We also learnt about films and their camera techniques and how they impact films. For example, a low angle on a person gives you the impression that they’re big and powerful. We also learnt about codes and conventions. For example, Technical codes are ways equipment is used and symbolic coding shows what’s beneath the surface (for e.g.) mise en scene

Project Concept

For my FMP I will be creating a deep house track using the program FL Studio. I’m going to be using techniques that I have taught myself during lockdown. Some of these techniques involve using plugins to enhance the sound such as reverbs, delays, EQs, pitch shifting vocals, etc.; so, they match the key and the notes of the instruments. I will also create promotional material for my song such as album artwork and promo cards, using the skills I learnt in photoshop.                                      ​

The theme of our FMP is Pocket Planet. It celebrates different cultures and embraces diversity. The song I am creating is very diverse in a way as anybody who likes to go to parties, clubs will most likely enjoy it. It’s a good vibe for festival atmosphere. My project celebrates the uk deep house scene. American deep house is different to uk’s deep house/garage scene. It’s difficult to give a specific age range as very young people enjoy this genre as well as the older generation.


I will be reflecting on my work by listening to the song as I make it. So, I can think of what other instruments to add. ​

I will make different versions of the song and compare each version to find out which I like best. The difference could be minuscule differences such as volume balancing in different instruments. Or it could be big things like melody changes.​

I will also ask family and friends for their feedback and thoughts. Throughout the course of making the song.​

I will also be screenshotting pictures of FL Studio to evidence my progress in creating the song I will be documenting challenges I came across while making the song and how I overcame them. 



Click below (FMP) for work



equality, diversion and inclusion

As a group we have noted down thoughts on equality, diversity and equality.

critical action plan which pointed out areas which could be improved upon with feedback from my peers and tutor.

My Final Product

My evaluation and reflection is in my powerpoint link “FMP”

Exhibition statement​

This piece of music creates an upbeat positive vibe out of a sad situation which is a juxtaposition “you’ve been messing with my man. You know that I can’t stand it” this is an opposite as the lyricism suggest. Because of this juxtaposition It leads you to believe she was in a toxic relationship with a man who has possibly cheated on her but through this song it shows growth and character. The beat contradicts that by making a sad situation into a positive one. This track includes various instruments but not limited to; drums, piano, organ, bassline. With these instruments it allows the song to have good danceability.