Film level 3 Ext



The cinema industry categorises audiences in different ways such as film certification categories (U,PG,12A,15,18). For reasons like inappropriate scenes for younger viewers. There are different types of people that go to a cinema such as. Cinema enthusiast, reluctant people and non-attenders.


Codes in film are signs which create meaning. Two different types of codes. Technical and symbolic

Technical codes are all the ways in which equipment is used to tell the story in a film like camerawork, editing, lighting and audio. Camerawork refers to how the camera is operated such as positioning, movement and exposure.

Symbolic codes show what is implicitly being shown such as mise en scene, setting, acting and colour. Mise en scene is a French term that means everything within the frame such as set design, costume and props.

Linguistic codes are shown using oral communication or sign language. It’s a language that’s uses manual communication to transmit meaning.


There are three types of conventions. Form conventions, story conventions and genre conventions.

Form conventions are certain ways we expect types of media’s codes to be arranged. For example, viewers expect to see a title sequence at the beginning and credits at the end. Films follow editing techniques known as continuity editing which allows viewers to understand what is going on in a scene more easily.

Story conventions are narrative structures, cause and effect, character construction and point of view.

Genre conventions are basically stereotypes linked with each genre for example an action genre will typically follow. Violence, antagonist/protagonist and upbeat, pacey music.  

Narrative Devices

Flashbacks are a narrative device, they provide character information to help understand events. In the film Up they use this narrative device to give the viewer context of the old mans situation. It brings in the audience and helps us understand why he does not want to leave the house that they have shared.

Foreshadowing/flash forwards film makers use this device to get the viewer interested and to provide a reason to continue watching. The Wizard Of Oz the music which comes with Miss Gulch’s sinister passing’s on her bicycle as well as the references to her as a witch

The narrative device of voiceovers is used to provide insight and clarity. In the movie Memento uses narration through voiceover to get the audience into the mind of a person with short term memory loss.

Captions tell us where action is taking place. In the film Avengers End Game they use this when they travel back in time. Text appears on screen saying the date and where they are.

Close up on significant objects – This shows importance

Mind map for my film idea –

My Movie Pitch –

Designing posters

Analysing posters –

I am designing a poster for our film ‘Today Tomorrow’ in these pictures i am experimenting with different types of designs. (different backgrounds, fonts, font sizes and more)


Our plan for distributionis to upload it to YouTube as well as promoting it on social media like instagram, twitter, Facebook ect. We could also invite other students around college to a screening in the lecture hall D1 as well as having posters around College. To further promote our film

Furthermore our plan for our short film is to release it on YouTube. So it is accessible to most people.