
Gibbs Reflection Model:

I wish to use the Gibbs reflection model whilst evaluating my final presentation for two reasons. First being that I believe it will give me a more in depth view into what I need to do to improve or change, and why. Secondly, I wish to use this method of analysis during my final project, and so I wish to see if using this method will be worth my time. It breaks down, step by step, the process I must go through whilst writing my evaluation. As seen below. I will not be writing in order, following the cycle, I will however, explain the presentation, my feedback, what I learnt, and how I intend to change my concept now, etc.

Image result for gibbs reflection

Sheffield University (2019). Gibbs Reflection Model. [image] Available at: https://www.sheffield.ac.uk/ssid/301/study-skills/university-study/reflective-practice [Accessed 26 Feb. 2019].

My Evaluation:

When I presented my developed idea to the class, I believe I was well prepared, my presentation was neat, I had rehearsed the slides using my note cards, and I knew what I needed to say to get my message across to my peers. I wasn’t as confident as I would have liked to have been, however, I still surprised myself with how well it went. In terms of my feedback, some were compliments on how I actually presented, but more importantly, some questions were asked that allowed me to have a better sense of realism for my project, thanks to Finlay, Nic and Lewis.

Finlay asked about the live performance, and what I would actually be doing, when I told him that I wanted to learn to DJ. At first I believed I would have the time to do it alongside my other work, however, I have since decided that I can use the work I have already done to create a live performance that does not require me to learn a new skill from scratch. For example, it would be similar to the performance I did in project 2 this year.

My tutors, Nic and Lewis, expressed that they believed that my presentation was a ‘major well put together presentation’ (Sykes,N, Video 1, 13:00), alongside Anthony, he explained to me that ‘it wasn’t too much’, and I ‘explained it well’ (Henderson, A, Video 1, 8:50). This shows me that I managed to get across to my audience exactly what I wanted them to know. This will allow them to better understand my concept, and give better feedback that will be of more use to me.

I was also notified, by Nic and Lewis, some things I would have to consider before the proposal, for example, how much will my EP cost? How will I be distributing? Copyright being a significant thing that he mentioned, as I know how important this is for my project, and how I must be careful when using other people samples or vocals. He also mentioned networking and promotion and explained how I could use the resources I had, rather than spending money on promotion, as I might be able to get a similar result for free, or at least cheaper. For example, sending my tracks out to DJs to use, getting my music heard before its released.

The big thing that I got from this feedback, is that I definitely need to make sure I have done all the right research to ensure that all the work I do is at a professional standard, otherwise it might end up costing me dearly. If I don’t understand copyright properly, if I don’t know how to budget efficiently, if I don’t market and network like a professional to engage with my target audience, I wont succeed in my aims as beginning my music career.

In terms of improving my presentation, for the next time I wish to propose an idea, I will change a few things. Instead of rehearsing by myself, I will rehearse to people, and learn how to engage with my audience more and get their feedback during the presentation, I could also look into using surveys during my presentation to gain my audiences opinion. This will allow me to make the most of my presentation and learn what I can from their feedback to develop my idea. I will also ensure that all the media is ready and working before I present, as when I reached the section of my presentation where I showcased my work so far, one of my songs wouldn’t play, and it was the one I was most hoping to get feedback on.

My feedback definitely showed me just how much work I’m going to have to put in to succeed. I am ready and willing to put the extra effort in to reach my aims, but I also understand now that I did go slightly too far with how much I expected I could do. I gained a realistic perspective and developed my idea slightly, as to make my final performance an easier task that wont swamp me with learning and research near the end of my project. However, I also learnt that my concept demonstrated ‘clear understanding’ (Lars, Written Reviews) and that, if I can keep up with the work, and ensure its to a professional standard, then this project could do great things for me.

Peer Written Reviews:

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