We started the day discussing our plans for the performance we were going to be doing. We split into our two groups and discussed things such as our blocking, plans for lighting and even picked out a fitting piece of music to have playing in the background. Since we chose to do Artaud, we needed to plan out how we were going to make the script into his style. We ended up just reading the script for a basic plan and made our own thing and our on little script. When we had finished making plans, we started on acting it out. We initially started with how we would make the beginning. It started with people walking on stage one by one and slowly walking around the stage and then the actors portraying Romeo and Tybalt bending down at some point to pick up swords. From there we slowly built the scene up and made it the best we possibly could. In the afternoon we focused on how we could get our ending done and so we went to another room where we would have more space to do what we wanted and not disturb the other group. We added more elements of Artaud, performed the piece with the music, figured out how we wanted our lighting to be and time it. We wanted our lights to be very dim and at some point, have a strobe effect since we thought it would make the scene more creepy and put the audience on edge. This, however meant we had to give a warning about our performance before we started. I thought this day wen really well as we had managed to have nothing planned to having a full performance in a matter of hours. I was very proud of what we had done and accomplished that day.
Problem Solving:
One of our biggest issues at the beginning was getting space to practice our performance which we quickly solved by going into the other room when it was free and practicing there, another problem we faced was our script. Due to choosing Artaud, the script we were given didn’t fit what he did a all so we had to either make it work or make our own. We ended up just scrapping it and improvised what we were going to say depending on what was going on in the scene, but in the end, there wasn’t much talking, and a lot of it was just repetition.
Production elements:
Lighting- we had dim lights throughout most of the performance to add more ambience and flashing lights at some point.
Costume- We were all in black to all look neutral.
Props- We didn’t use any props for the performance as they were unnecessary.
Set- no set was needed.
Audience- we had the audience sitting in a square in the middle of the stage and we acted around them.
How do you feel this project went?
I feel like this project went really well and it was really enjoyable as we had creative freedom with what we did as long as it fit with the practitioners style.
What skills do you feel that you have developed through this project?
I feel like the skills I have developed throughout this project was my creativity as we had to make the performance based on tie script but not use it as it didn’t suite the practitioners style, and my volume while acting was good as I had to scream loudly.
What were your key strengths in project 3?
- My volume was good
- The confidence I had was good as I had to scream
- My creativity
What were the weaknesses in project 3?
- I was ill prepared
- My attendance
How effectively did you manage the rehearsal process?
I managed the overall rehearsal process really effectively. We spent about 30 minutes talking about the script and our initial plans and when we started working on our piece, we would stop to discuss what could do better
Can you discuss any key research sources which have supported your process?
I did the majority if my research by reading about Artaud n Britannia and Back Stage.
How effectively did you apply the research?
I applied the research very well as we managed to make a really good (albeit very low level) Artaud piece with everyones research that they did.
What have you learnt from this project which you will take forward on to the next step of your own
personal development?
I have learnt that creativity is really helpful, and in putting ideas forward can help everyone when it comes to making a performance together.
What have you learnt about your practitioner that you didn’t know before?
I didn’t gain any new knowledge on this practitioner, but instead, I passed forward the knowledge I already knew to the other people who also chose him as theirs.
What can you do now that you couldn’t do when you started the course?
I can now make a performance based off of a script that doesn’t originally fit the style that we want.
Why is learning this important?
Learning this is important as it is good to show you can adapt to things when they aren’t going the way they are needed
If you were to do the project again what would you do differently?
If we were to do it again, I think the only thing id change is our warning we put at the beginning as we weren’t very clear with something and it took a lot of people by surprise.
How will you effectively apply this within your next project?
I will effectively apply this is the next by performance by, if a warning is needed, being more specific about what it really includes that people should be aware of.
Did you enjoy the process?
I did enjoy the process as it was something different.
What have you learned from writing the essay?
I have learnt how to write an essay effectiveky.
Set yourself 3 targets for FMP:
- attend class
- put ideas forward
- be confident
Set yourself 3 targets for your scrapbook for FMP:
- write everything down, even if its not directly on digital space and upload it later
- don’t miss anything out
- finish it on time