25th September- 1st October 2023
This week with jess in dance we did some warm ups and some stretches before we learned some choreography to the song When i grow up and made our own three counts of eight in the groups we got put in, This dance shows what life was like before the earth was ruined and how happy kids were. We did this to improve our team work as a class and to add it in to the final performance. I think i learned the choreography well but i would have improved my team work. when teaching the choreography to others its important to go through it step by step until everyone understands it.
The first project is going okay, i think its just not something i am not used to so its a lot harder than it should be. This week i have learned about Plies’, a plie is a movement in which a dancer bends their knees and straightens them again with their feet turned out and their heels to the ground, i also learned about soundscapes which are combinations of sounds that create a particular effect. we created the sound of rain. With Sarah in acting we worked on soundscapes and added them into the performance and practiced our lines and when to come on on and off stage.
I am still worried about knowing my choreography and memorizing my lines but i will make sure that i get there by the 8th of October and that i know them.
I will do this by paying attention in class and watching over the dance videos at home while also practicing the dances and by using the look, cover, say method to remember my lines.
It was challenging to remember everything that we had done this week but I will over come this by keep working on all of it at home and in class to make sure I’ve got everything memorized. By next session I will make sure that I know the dances and lines.