11th September- 17th September 2023
Today i have worked on my research task about how to live sustainably, i have done this because we are going to be doing a devised piece on sustainability and in order to understand your piece you have to know about what sustainability is. By researching i will be able to put the message across in the final performance correctly. I have also done research on what devising is in order to understand devising for when we start devising and putting together our performance. In class with Jess we made a dance routine in groups we made a dance to ‘sign of the times’ which we did to work on our team work.
I feel quite worried about this task because it isn’t my strong point and i knew nothing about sustainability before this task.
The research links to our project because we need to know as much as we can about sustainability in order to perform a piece about sustainability.
I need to improve my research skills because i need the research to understand more about why were doing a piece on sustainability and to understand what sustainability is. I need to improve my confidence in order to put my ideas out there, be able to perform and being able to remember everything throughout a performance.
I am going to do this by working on my self every day, asking questions when struggling and by slowly understanding how to do a research project.
My challenges are researching as i struggle quite a bit to research and put other words into my own words. i overcame this by putting the time and effort into my research.
My targets are: Get all course work done on time, do my course work to the best of my ability’s and up my confidence a lot more. I will do this by setting myself time frames in when I need to do course work, put all my efforts in and try my hardest and work on being confident throughout lesson when we’re practicing.