Wednesday 11th October 2023.
My thoughts on the overall piece are that it was good, I think everyone tried really hard with getting it right and everyone tried really hard learning their lines and dances and cues. I really enjoyed doing the Matilda dance the most and I enjoyed doing the phone section. I think everyone did a really good job wether it was their first performance or not. I thought it was very inspirational like I knew nothing about sustainability before this project so I have learned a lot of new things about sustainability doing this performance and it made me think a lot more about the planet, it was very educational. Although the lights didn’t go off when they were supposed to it took a little bit longer and the walk off stage at the end didn’t go the way we rehearsed it.
I think the audience would have thought that we did a good job and that it was inspiring. I think they would have thought that we tried quite hard on it. I also think that they would have enjoyed the ‘when I grow up’ dance because the whole performance was sad and the ‘when I grow up dance was like a nice happy ending’. but I also think they’ll have some kind of feedback to give us.
For my piece I enjoyed doing the dances. I think I did well by not messing up although I noticed I was like a second late at one point in both of the dances. I think I used my projection well and my confidence wasn’t amazing but it wasn’t the worst either. I think my costume was good as it was all black and that’s what we planned and I liked the set being all black as there was nothing for the audience to focus on other than the message we were putting out. My performance was at a good level I don’t think I was fidgeting, I was doing what I was supposed to and I did the performance the way we rehearsed it.
The audiences feedback was about how some people needed to not have their hands in their pockets and we needed to look more confident in our faces, to not fidget and to not be so loud back stage, they said it was emotional and that we did well for our first performance. Which I agree with so for our next project for myself I will make sure that I improve on all of this, I will do this by practicing harder in lesson and putting in all my efforts to make sure I improve.