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- How did you get into acting
- What is your favourite film
- what is your favourite actor
- Who is your inspiration
- How do you feel about your performing arts course
- What was your first role that you played.
- What was your favourite role that you played.
- what was your least favourite role that you played.
- Did you take part in the Snow White play. If so could you explain what role you played and how did you feel in the overall experience.
- I know you have agreed to take part in my short film and I was wondering why did you want to be in my short film.
- I was wondering if you have ever experienced bullying for my short film follows themes of bullying.
- Are you involved in further projects apart from my short film.
- Haven you been in previous film projects.
- What do you hope for your future as an actor.
- What advice would you give to aspiring actors like yourselves.
- How do you prepare for a role.
- What was your most challenging role.
- How do you handles pressure and nerves that may come with playing a role.
- Do you have any dream roles that you would like to play
- Have you formed any relationships with students that are doing the same course as you.
- Do you have any funny behind the scenes stories that you would like to share.