Project 4 – Scripts

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CAP LOCK = location 

Underline = character 

Red = camera angles 

Blue = speech 

Green = action 

Bold = add in editing 



Camera zooms out to more of the graveyard and get the 4 teens in the shot. 

After a couple of seconds cut to the teens  

Teen 1 

Pulls kid 2 shoulder towards him. 

Teen 2 

“What do you want?” 

Teen 1 

“Look at what I found.” 

Teen 2 

“What is it.” 

Teen 1 

“It’s what we are going to use to do this.” 

hit a head stone with a rock. 

Teen 3 

“Why did you do that?” 

Teen 4 

Try to put chipped peace of the head stone together. 

“It’s not staying together. where going to get into trouble.” 

Teen 3 

Look of to the side and look panicked. 

Quietly “someone walking past.” 

Camera cut to the person walking past. 


Moves behind something. 

Camera moves to the teens. 

Wait till they go away and be quiet. 

Teen 2 

“I’m bored.” 

“Let’s play a game.” 

Teen 3 

“We could play hide and seek.” 

“We can do rock paper scissors to decide who counts.” 


Teen 1 plays paper 

Teen 2 plays scissors 

Teen 3 plays scissors 

Teen 4 plays scissors 

Teen 2 

“Teen one (replace with name) you’re the seeker.” 

“Count to 120 then come and look for us”. 

Teen 1 

“One, two, three…” 

Camera follows teen 2 to his hiding spot. 

Teen 2  

Hide behind of a toom stone and step on a branch that snaps. 

Carma cuts to old man on couch 


Old man  

Notice the noise and get up and look out of the window. 

Carma cut to be out of the window to see the man looking out. 

Play suspenseful music. 

Carma continues to follow the old man. 

Old man  

Go into the kitchen and get a knife out of the draw. 

Go out of the back door and sneak up behind teen 2. 

Cut open teen 2 throat. 

Slicing sound 

Go back inside.  

Camera cuts to teen one and follows. 

Teen one  

“118,119,120 ready or not here I come!” 

Look towards the old man and go walk towards where he was. 

Look around where he was until you look behind the toom. 

Camera to cuts to the other side of toom. 


Pull out phone and try to call the police. 

Camera cuts to teen 3 

Teen 1 screams in the background  

Teen 3  

Heads to the direction where you hear the scream. 

Camera cuts to old man 

Teen 1 screams in the background  

Old man 

Get up and look out of the window.  

Shout “Get away from my wife grave, or your next”.  

Camera flips to see teen 1 and teen 3 coming towards them. 

Teen 1 

Run towards teen 3.  


Teen 3  

Run with teen 1 and hide.  

“Why are we running?” 

Teen 1 

“He killed teen 2 (use name).” 

After a couple of seconds camera flips to old man (long shot) 

Old man 

Move the body away from the grave and start to scrub it clean.  

Camera flips back to teens.  

Teen 1 

“He is cleaning the grave.” 

“We can get into the house.” 

Teen 1,3 

Go into the house.  

Teen 1 

Look at knife then grab it. 

Old man  


Camera flips to see the old man at the door entrance.  

Teen 1  

“He here.” 

Try to attack the old man with the knife but only cuts him. 

Old man  

Overpower teen one and grab the knife.  

Stab teen 1 

Teen 3  

Climb out of the window and run off. 

Camera cuts to teen 4 

Teen 4 

Look at teen 3 climbing out of the window. 

“What is he doing.” 

Start walking to the window. 

Camera cuts to teen 3 

Teen 3 

Run out of the graveyard and towards an officer going by. 

Panicked “help, there is a menace!” 


“Slowdown, talk slower.” 

Teen 3 

“There is a guy in the graveyard that killed my friends.” 


“Can you show me.” 

Teen 3  

Run towards the house.  


Follow teen 3. 

When you get to the house walk in first 

Camera flips to see the old man with a bloody knife and teen 4 dead. 


“Drop it.” 

Talk into a walkie talkie. 

Put handcuffs on the old man and wait for the car. 

“you’re ok now.” 
